Why Avemar With Meratrim May Be A CFS Cure
Disclaimer, This site is for Information Only And Is Not Intended To Prevent, Treat, or Diagnose Any Condition or Event. Use of This Site is At The Risk of The Reader, and is not A Substitute for A Doctor's Care. Here I speak only from my own Perspective and these methods may not work for individuals since all health situations are special as they are unique.
Solved By Your Bright Bells!
Curing and Controlling CFS... And Other Weariness Woes...How Anyone Can Boost Energy by Use of My Explanation of CFS
Monday, February 13, 2017
Why Avemar With Meratrim May Be A CFS Cure
Here I'll also discuss Avemar and CFS and also why methods I've used for CFS may be a possible help with residual Covid, when the symptoms like low blood pressure and tiredness don't go away after covid (for about 17%) and CFS too may be caused by a virus.
Disclaimer, This site is for Information Only And Is Not Intended To Prevent, Treat, or Diagnose Any Condition or Event. Use of This Site is At The Risk of The Reader, and is not A Substitute for A Doctor's Care. Here I speak only from my own Perspective and these methods may not work for individuals since all health situations are special as they are unique.
The odds of anyone getting cancer are now 2 out of 3. This means as I did if you have CFS you may have what seems to be a project on stress ahead. Can you imagine how I felt at first when I found out I had both? I had CFS for about 24 years before it was overand then skin cancer for the last 18 . It may seem incredible but I've survived and am thriving because not only is there a way to control 97% of the symptoms cheaply and with ease of CFS, cancer is often curable by the same method...
The way out, the way up, may be Avemar.. the Nobel prose winning powdered beer brew, essentially a small loaf of bread carbs, a small tablet that's wonderous, beauteous for cancer, yes there is such a word as wonderous, it's beautious, my mom the English professor and journalist says she hopes it's so..
Avemar as I was taking it before with CFS, was about 100 dollars a month for a powerful powerful immune booster and modulator. It's believed by many the cause of CFS is the Herpes HHV6 virus, and Avemar goes deep down to cleanse out the virus. Untreated CFS has 10,000 times the viral load they find in research, in addition to HHV6 there are about 20 or 30 viruses in the muscles People With CFS, PWC'S can't feel, but they are there. If anyone pays 45 twice for junk TV shows (who needs reruns of old TV dinners) would anyone pay this much to both cleanse out all this junk and cure the cancer too?
On my link I'll show you how to make your own Avemar and save some bread, well it seems to save me!
As you may know your body only is able to stop cancer by constantly cleaning out all these threats like bugs, they lurk hiding pretending to be do gooders to your immune system, so they go under the radar.
Avemar does a deep, deep cleanse, it's advertised to completely repair even a severely damaged immune system.
About Long Covid and CFS
I wrote this post years before Covid, but if you have symptoms like CFS it might well be your worth your comfort and greater health to consider what I'm saying here.
The symptoms of long covid as they say seem a lot like CFS and I have had experience with CFS that you may find valuable.
If you have both low blood pressure when you stand up and severe tiredness with long Covid your diagnosis may be much like CFS because CFS is also believed to be caused by a virus.
I don't know if this site applies to covid, for 17% who have it, but I've already had three of my sisters and brothers family's having covid even after being triple vaccinated and I got COVID only once even with CFS residual so I hope this may be helpful..
For people with CFS it's known that your chance is 400 times higher of dying if you have immune issues or other existing issues, or that was how it was before the vaccines and now the events overall of this type may be lower and even so you may want a really super strong immune system to triumph as I'll show you how to find here hopefully with Avemar.
Also note that avian flu may be coming with a 50% known mortality rate. It's been showing signs of being transmissible from animals to humans more and more for about 10 years. Covid mortality turned out to be just .06% or so. And according to New Scientist antibiotic resistance may make COVID seem mild, etc. You can see good immune boosters like making your own Avemar may be a premium. Having a super strong immune system may allow lifesaving defense for those who use Avemar and may be good for health in general.
More About Avemar and CFS
While in the US Avemar costs 60 cents per tablet, in Hungary where it was invented it's subsidized and all Hungarians can get Avemar for just 3$ a month or so. Avemar is believed to be of real worth for a long list of improvements in health and has been well researched.
Before Avemar, I was taking Activive from a company called Hello Life. Activive is great for CFS, it was like night and day, it reverses 97% of the symptoms and the enzyme deficiency, almost all the pain, the neural symptoms are also much improved like 97% improved etc, etc. It has no side effects and isn't edgy, other than somewhat if I sometimes would miss a dose. But why am I talking about Activive with my click and spel left, if Avemar seems the solution for me?
First you may want to know it's an option, e.g. if you can't take Avemar if you had blood sugar issues (Avemar like powdered beer has a lot of carbs. This turned out to be no noticeable change for me even while I had hypoglycemia wooziness after sugar as with many with CFS this is common, more about this below) or because of cost perhaps.
Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar after sugar is common with CFS and after my CFS was mostly removed I still had this and while it generally makes you really tired at unpredictable times, this is one of the reasons I'm sure, that the tiredness of CFS itself is often unpredictable.
For blood sugar I found that taking six tabs in the morning and only one at night counteracts blood sugar tiredness because it's been recommended to walk for 15 minutes after meals to reduce blood sugar spikes. (After I started taking the brewed bread edition this was not noticable about low blood sugar even if I take it in the morning with one dose) This is probably not just good for some but for general value because most people are being stressed by sugar.
It slows down your immune system for about 5 hours after eating sugar.
(I had raised the dose to seven tabs a day Which cost about $87 a month but I think it's worth it! Once my blood pressure went up to more normal levels I've been able to walk about 5 to 10 miles a day since 2018 without much stress at all, and my neural symptoms and pain are almost completely disappeared, a dream come true if you have had CFS.)
More important may be because Activive works really fast, the first day.. I was so greatful!!!!! I'm just great! Merely Amazing me..
And Avemar may be uncomfortable...
while you wait for the Avemar to solve the CFS so you may find more continuous relief while you wait.
As in, it often takes months of pain for some OTC's or perscriptions to work, I couldn't stand the thought of anyone feeling the CFS way for a day, I know what it felt like, and if I can spare you three or four months of CFS agony till the Avemar might be a cure, than you might consider Activive in the short term till the cure might be in reach for you with Avemar.
I was taking a super low dose like 1/10 of a drop of Activive to save money (the recommended dose is like 30 drops) and it worked quite well.
Avemar is essentially, powdered German beer. It costs 180 for 300 tablets. The patent may not expire for years and it's just beer or bread as they say on a site like Denver Naturopathic.
The site says that this kind of bread, artesanal bread presumably has much of the value of Avemar if you merely bake your own bread by the recipe they give from their long experience in the bread booze biz, how to booze on slices of foam! Bread is much like beer, it has the same bacteria used to make each. At first I thought I'd have to make beer and other sites said that if my pot belly isn't a microbrew like what's his name the Ohio Jesus who had the yeast in his gi that always turned the water he would drink to beer not wine! The problem with brewing my own beer was that other sites I read in more depth seemed to say you have to get the brew just right of the beer or it's just a batch of vinegar, and this to spend all the money on a beer brewing machine and then perhaps to have it fail was enough for me to first try the Avemar to see if it even works, and yes it does. It's quite possible however and I don't know which caused My CFS defense, because I was also eating comfort foods at the same time I had my blood pressure go up so more and more moderation was achieved, not the Avemar.
Certainly low blood pressure has the main influence on CFS in my belief.
People with CFS are over optimistic in research while people with depression consistently underestimate themselves. This seems like when you stand up and your blood pressure goes down you're in a lot of pain, yet when you lie down your blood pressure goes back up and you feel the dreamy sort of tired yet optimistic way of a dreamer. So while you're at rest your pain is relieved and you can plan for the future and be optimistic there in your dreams after all that's what optimism is but when you stand up it's sort of cut out from under you. On the other hand somebody who's depressed when they rest have more pain then than when they're active doing other things.
Of course this is for un improved CFS and you can just ignore this if yours is already improved by reading this you're welcome in advance. I think you can get a better dream if you raise your blood pressure because my blood pressure is moderate now and I'm not much in pain. Even so when my blood pressure was the highest sometimes 135 or 140 over 95, this was when my CFS symptoms completely completely disappeared!
Most ut what!
Another reason I strongly believe CFS is mostly about low blood pressure not about how dreamy CFS was Is because on the Health Rising (CFS) site C Johnson says in research about CFS the drug phenylephrine (like neosynephrine) completely stopped ALL CFS symptoms of orthostasis on the tilt table. This drug is known to be a vasconstrictor and raise blood pressure. Note that this drug also doesn't reach the brain to constrict blood vessels there.
This is why in untreated CFS when you stand up your blood pressure will go down. It's in your legs and the pain is in your legs. And yet you and your brain feel so much finer when you're at rest in bed.
The only problem is you can't do anything but lay in bed. This is the problem with unresolved CFS and why raising your blood pressure either by eating comfort foods or Avemar or both may be of value to resolve the issue.
They wondered why if phenylephrine was a vasoconstrictor it was so good for low blood pressure, and the answer would simply be it raises your general blood pressure by squeezing the blood vessels in your leg, sort of like a toothpaste tube for circulation and this squeezes up enough circulation to reach your brain and give your brain oxygen and "totally solve the cognitive zonk!"
First of all note two things..this is indeed dramatic for CFS but while unfortunately phenylephrine is not safe for a long-term use, and while it would seem to definitely be important to note that my observation that when my blood pressure was the highest my CFS symptoms were the absolute lowest, this seems to be quite true for CFS.
Another reason to believe CFS is about low blood pressure is that on the tilt table test it when the PWC has horizontal levels the cognitive CFS type symptoms as by problem solving consistently increase like 27% as they go more to standing.
And these are some good reasons why I believe that CFS is mostly about low blood pressure.
Since phenylephrine is not for long-term use, here on this page I discuss ways to raise blood pressure to moderation such as by whatever raised mine to moderation whether it was comfort foods or Avemar or both.
If you have long covid or CFS, CFS is going to be much boosted by the research...
As the song says Health won't help tomorrow If you give up today So just hold on a little longer because health is on the way...
With Avemar I've had no effects other than lots more energy and removed blemishes etc. after several months. I was hoping to brew my own Avemar bread and then just supplement with Avemar I buy, this was in case the bread has no value for some reason, better safe than sorry, you know, it's always the second mouse that gets the cheeze, life is just this whey!
Here's the link to the site with Avemar recipe or see link at the bottom of the page;
At first I thought I couldn't take a higher dose but this has really been not much of a problem since in the morning one of awake and I take all six of the tabs I can just stay alert by exercise via exercise with exercise, thanks exercise!
I would get woozy from sugar before, common with CFS so I use a weightloss formula called Meratrim to counteract the blood sugar issues and lose weight to boot! More recently I found it's almost half price if I buy Avemar direct from Hungary about somewhat less than 100$ a month for two bottles, and I'm also trying Meritrim for just 20 or so, via Ebay at 1/3 off the cost. I'll let you know how this goes in a month or so.
My month has stayed, my month of rest! Both of these turned out just fine. Meritrim has dramatic value for blood sugar and it's also a fitness booster without edginess.
Here I Am Years later after I wrote this page my CFS is definitely like 97% better and I had concerns once my blood pressure was up that I couldn't keep it down as much..
If you do as I have and your CFS is gone by using these methods you may not have as much to fear from high blood pressure now because they've recently found that tricaprin a medium chain triglyceride MCT oil actually can reverse cardio like just tightness. If you find like I did that your CFS is cured and your blood pressure goes higher than you might like it's easy to reverse it to the degree that you want. If you're eventually in this situation in this reading my eventual site for today's eventuality tricaprin is defined as an MCT oil with caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid, and this is easy to find on Amazon if you look for MCT oil plus lauric acid the third oil.
My main concern may be that my blood pressure would go too low and CFS would return but so far I've had no sign of this at all. And of course tricaprin may be a treasure for people like grampa with cardio.
As for Avemar I've seen another site called racehorse herbal that supposedly shows you how to make your own. It looks like a good site and it has elaborate discussion of the patents with step by step methods of making your own heated breadbox. The site says most people don't have $100 a month to pay for Avemar.. I sort of have had but I paid $6,000 so far for Avemar and as you can say I want to be rich cheap and prosper not just be rich and prosper!
Here's a link to the racehorse herbal page about Avemar DIY or search Avemar racehorseherbal make your own or etc.
While you can make your own bread brewing box or even use your oven, this takes a bit of doing and using your oven isn't continuous more than a few hours and you may need days of value here as it says on the site. I've opted for a bread brewing box sold on AZ for about 40 dollars plus two 1/2 gallon mason jars plus also the lids and tbe beer brewing valves all in one lids and valves so no hole in a usual lid to drill.
I opted for mason jars over Pyrex as on the site since the jars have valve lids ready to go and I couldn't get Ebay to confess! What's the stopper that fits buy it seperate sure enough may be arrives in a month. Mason jars are fast in the south!
Here I quote another CFS site from online
"..For me, here is how I'm doing it. One 1/2 gallon mason jar (1500 ml). One air lock (can get at beer brewers store) with rubber grommet. Mount air lock in lid of jar by drilling a hole (1/2 inch for me). Purchase distilled water, raw wheat germ, bakers yeast (large jar). See site for process. As long as you can keep the temp around 85 degrees your set. Shake gently every hour...."
This seems to be a simplified version of a method used. The proofing box I bought on Amazon will give the constant temperature. Shaking may be viable if done for a few days not a power stirer as on the other site sounds too pricey for now maybe in a month of summs.
The most complex thing about the quote method not mentioned seems to be about like five days of getting your starter. This seems to take complexion but on the first site it says after you get it set up it's smoother sailing for more use and we are on land in the world!
So I'm thinking what's more of trying to make my own Avemar with this other site because I never did actually try to make my own before. One problem with this turns out to be that Avemar once you make it doesn't keep for more than 5 or 6 days. So I'm thinking of using a Food Bag seal machine like a racehorse might! You can buy on machines on Amazon for about $40 and it advertises that you can keep your food fresh for years.
If you opt in for Avemar like this you might want to do as I'm going to do and try a hybrid method and just sort of get my feet wet no I'm wearing no horse shoes with with perhaps 50% real Avemar and 50% real!
Click Here for my other post How to More Easily Make Your Own Avemar and save at Least $130 a month..or if you like see the same link at the end if page for more..
Once I've proven it really works but I then change over to 100% home brew Avemar and it may stay so I can make a large batch of it and keep it for like three years at a time and it doesn't cost $100 a month..
Using this method of the heavy duty sealing bags for the PCM phase change material that may help to stay cool in the heat may also be good to make it so I don't have to make Avemar more than once like every 6 months perhaps while saving hundreds on Avemar.
This may be valuable because staying cool can have worth with Avemar because Cool Constricts Capillaries CCC. Theoretically this might raise your blood pressure and give you more relief from your CFS while you're waiting perhaps for a cure with Comfort foods and the Avemar as I've found.
See my cooling post about how to make your own cooling vest for just $5 and for other cheap ways to stay cool.
Of course this about needing to stay cool and make your own Avemar will be outdated if you make a lot of money. Investment is a major source of income for people with disabilities.
Click here for my neat cooling events for you or see post at end of page with the same link if you like.
More The Meratrim; ABOUT MERATRIM
It counteracts the two hunger hormones discovered in the late 2000's leptin and gherlin. Leptin, like greek "leptos" or light controls hunger, and ghelin controls satisfaction after you eat, actually it seems to moderate both. Like Avemar it profoundly influences glucose, this is one of the main ways Avemar is so powerful against cancer since cancer cells use 6 times more glucose than other cells. Indeed, like Avemar, Meratrim is a fitness and cognative booster. And like Avemar, Meratrim is strongly anticancer, removing 80 to 100% of cancer cells in vitro.
One good reason it seems Meratrim is in reach for me is because as I say, Activive is not involved with chemical sensitivity like MCSS, and Meritrim has only two ingredients. They researched out of 10s of thousands of herbs that convert fat to muscle and improve hunger and so Meratrim has only two ingredients, Mangosteen and a herb called sphearanthus indicus, indian thistle. In the old days I wasn't much interested in multiherb formulas, and my common sense is aware here of the value of only two ingredients in Meritrim. You can buy it from Swanson online, a discount brand I've trusted for more than 15 years of experience. (Amazon may be unsafe for herbs, counterfeits by third world and shady operators abound, I read this on a site about web cautions but longer experience has seemed to show me that this is not true as far is I know!).
If you have cancer and CFS you may not want to take Meritrim since more than half of cancer deaths are by starvation as the cancer uses up most of the energy your healthy cells would be getting. Even so one of the two herbus used in Meritrim sphaeranthus indicus or indian thistle, has astounding ability to limit cancer cell lines in vitro.
One thing I found even after my blood pressure was up to moderation and I'm feeling great is that I still had sugar discomforts, like lots of tiredness after sugar.
This was nowhere near as severe as low blood pressure itself but I'm looking to my higher goals. The reaching of one goal is a starting place for another, in the basketball arena of life!
This about low blood sugar is a common problem with CFS and it overlays your other tiredness when you have it, low blood pressure can cause low blood sugar and vice versa in a complex kind of influence on brain zonk and tiredness.. so I found that this is one of the main causes why CFS tiredness was often unpredictable. You might think why couldn't I just plan around this tiredness so if you go to sleep overnight nobody interrupts you there. Tiredness solved right?
But like a lot of people with CFS I presume, it was unpredictable enough while I had CFS that I couldn't do this much.
But the point is that CFS involves low blood sugar and this can be unsafe but mangosteen is a fitness and cognitive booster and it lowers blood sugar by like 60 points when you take it with sugar (sometimes a necessary evil for nutrition with the healthy foods that have it) and just as important it also moderates your blood sugar.
So all this stuff about how we have to do this or that to stop sugar poisoning which damages like your blood sugar and blood pressure and your immune system every step of the way, for me my solution since I was denied care by doctors here too was to simply start taking mangosteen anytime I eat sugar and I totally bypassed all that downstream damage otherwise caused by sugar and some accidents caused by misdiagnosis or whatever we would call it.
I can't guarantee for the complete safety of mangosteen.. I'm researching about green coffee beans which are also supposedly with the same ability to counteract alpha amylase which when you eat carbs it actually keeps the carbs from converting to sugar so you may bypass most of the sugar damage.
Mangosteen is also much much cheaper than other carb blockers like white bean extract mangosteen just 5$ a year vs white bean extract 30$ month.
I've had no symptoms other than relief from blood sugar tiredness with mangosteen and more energy.
Actually I tended to notice I was edgy when I used it more commonly so I've reduced sugar itself, etc. There are also problems like constipation which can be severe and so you want to eat a lot of oats like oatmeal this takes great and is a staple if you eat it with a sweetener like lo han The sweetener from Clchina which has Great flavor and Splenda makes it. They're never been any adverse events of any kind with lo han
since it was first famous for a thousand years in China!
Like all the methods on this site this may not be for all those with CFS or other health concerns and this is for informational purposes only.
Another way I save more on OTC's etc. is to take ginger which increases the absorption of any OTC you take by mouth. I'm in hopes I can get by with reduced cost of any other herbs I take. One problem is that ginger itself is rather expensive. So I take pepper with the ginger which boosts the absorption of the ginger itself 100's or 1000s of times. Absorption of absorption of absorption...Ginger causes low blood sugar, but Meritrim seems to counteract this also. I've had low blood sugar wooziness after sugar but this was only when I was also taking 4 or 5 other herbs that each caused this by necessity in the old days. Basically I'm out of the herbal realm so much and I can go more than halfway into the woods because the rest of my return is out!
Avemar seems superior to Activive in general even with Activive's super anti CFS power because even if Activive is of real value and has no negative symptoms you can feel, it's complex while Avemar is simpler. In other words there would seem to be longer term risks of side effects possible even with Activive, and on the insert they say it has all these great powers for anyone who's tired not just PWCs it also says just the one word "for temporary relief", (I don't have CountRight!). Even so it doesn't say for temporary use only, and I've used Activive for seven years with no side effects I can find other than mild edginess if I miss the dose. But Avemar may go deeper in to stop HHV6 which is well known to cause fatigue, 99% have HHV6 and it is believed it lurks until some stress or other burden then makes it able to cause CFS.
I consider being cured of CFS to be superior to Activive because though I would only miss it like once every 8 days or so there were usually mild cognitive like edgy symptoms and if I have this happen once a week for a year then I've got edginess for more than a month a year that I don't have because I've cured it like with Avemar and comfort Foods perhaps as I said.
Moderately high blood pressure gives continuous coverage against CFS and if you can remove the herbs like adverse events you can sleep great all the time.. by curing my CFS I made it so that I didn't have to keep searching for energy herbs that are often edgy to solve it.
Basically if you can cure your CFS then your risk from these other herbs goes down and hopefully the sooner the better as values rise. The longer you stay tangled up in the adverse Events from the herbs and the CFS the more the risk may increase as you do your research that you won't profit from your improvements. It's for reasons like this that I have written this page for other people who have or have had CFS.
With the social events going on with CFS before I don't need an extra month of that stuff per year even it's mild when I can have continuous coverage more by the cure. Activive as it was was much much better than CFS for me.. but CFS is bad enough that this isn't saying as much as I would have liked and I want to save my extra month a year from CFS.
Also there is the problem that even if Activive is real good for CFS, if the Activive company Hello Life goes out of business and while businesses have life ever lasting "by some accounts!" then when the Activive runs out, the CFS pain and confusion may return. Activive as I was able to afford it was when I took about 3 drops AM and PM and one bottle for 35 or so would last about 3 months. But it may not be simple or a cure or a way to save as much "bread" as Avemar...I can't afford a lifetime supply of Activive, it would cost thousands, so perhaps Avemar is better in the long run. I don't yet know Avemar is a cure, even so I'm already able to cut down on my Activive costs 3/4 with ease after 6 months of Avemar.
The secret I found to cause high blood pressure itself perhaps was to replace both chips and crackers with bread, it goes with lots of other healthy foods to make them comfortable! Bread goes real well with, meats, beans (like tacos) juices, itself, veggies, and it's as satisfying as chips, I like the flavor. As in ancient Rome, the saying was "bread and circuses" bread is often enough to satisfy. What bread sandwich can't you make without bread? A tomato sandwich, a cheese sandwich but the rich can't make a sandwich without a sandwich! The junk food may have raised my blood pressure before I found this method, and caution and use of the bread method are thus advised as you may reach the cure. (I got a cheap cyber blood pressure cuff from Wal Mart at a cheap cost "Lot Fancy"-and high value..) And I saved 30 or 40 a week on food cost year round. The rest of the junk food may mostly rust on the shelves and so be it (bogus iron). My fat dose is much lower, and cholesteral and salt are of some worth here.
While a lot of people with CFS are often poor, they have access to more healthy food even at dishcount prices! NOTE this is Not Medical advice, Please Read and Understand my Disclaimer (or see link below.).
For years I ate pasta, but it's slimy in the pot, doesn't keep, and can burn the house down sooner or later, later I hope, sure enough right away is here! Bread is simple and cheap and has fiber, recommended for many health uses I always wind up with.
Another comfort food I was eating was low fat milk I would blend in the jug with juice like pomegranate, cherry, apple, or strawberry ect.
This combination has carbs fat and protein, and while it's not as healthy as other foods this combination is known to moderate blood sugar.
And they seem to taste great which seems why like Reese's cups or other foods that have this carb fat and protein blend may seem to do so well.
This is much easier to eat than ice cream and I think it has better flavor and perhaps is considerably healthier than juicy juice which damages your blood pressure and blood sugar every time you eat it.
So I can imagine drink manufacturers finding a simple way to bypass the ice cream business since it's available in an easy and more convenient to digest form. And it's much easier to make I assume than ice cream just by finding the juice concentrates and the low fat milk.
So I was drinking a lot of this moo brew before my blood pressure went up.
Finally I want to say that as Avemar raises your blood pressure to cure the tiredness, it may go too high and so it's important to monitor blood pressure and eat right. Avemar itself has no evidence for this, so I'm wondering if it wasn't caused by comfort food before this. Even so I've had numerous adverse events caused by bad OTC promises, and it's been found that as much as 1 in 3 OTC's are counterfeit.
I got higher blood pressure perhaps by being poor because of CFS so I was saving on food-and this may have cured my CFS with comfort foods! "There is no bad that does not bring good" of the two evils choose neither of the two goods, both!
Actually My CFS is not so much cured as changed into moderately low high blood pressure, and to control this itself I found that using sugar substitutes like lo han the sweetener combined with sweeteners like erithrytol or allulose (a sweetener which actually causes weight loss) this is actually a way to cut down dramatically on both salt and sugar and fat because you've got the sweet flavor which you can combine with like oatmeal which has value because it's a staple of food and you don't get tired of it nearly as fast... think of all those people eating chips for years and not getting tired...
They have the one-hand chips that are already chewed, so your hands won't have weight on!
Except when you're eating no sugar or salt because you got flavor enough and satisfying food enough you may live longer even with moderately high blood pressure.
Keeping blood pressure moderate is the secret to controlling CFS. Once I'd eaten enough comfort foods and also perhaps because of Avemar my blood pressure was up into the more moderate range and my CFS symptoms were much much reduced.
Even so I found that when I exercise heavy although it's not extremely stressful like maybe walk a couple miles a day, my blood pressure would go down or if I limited salt or fat.
So I'd gotten to this point where I'm taking Lisinopril one of the most famous blood pressure lowering prescriptions because this was the only way I could keep my blood pressure down to moderation, I also wanted to keep from going too low as well as from rising.
For this reason if you found after you eat comfort foods and use the methods of this site and your CFS is mostly cured or controlled, beyond this like me you may don't want to monitor your blood pressure pretty constantly. If it's too low you eat a little more salt perhaps, seasoned salt is quite cheap and it has herbs like turmeric and paprika which makes it taste delicious. Or perhaps a little more ketchup like with salmon which has vitamin D which almost everyone's deficient in, or just more comfort food.
Even so I recommend that you check your blood pressure every time before you eat like I do to know how much salt or not to eat when if you reach this phase. My blood pressure can easily go up to 150 over 95 even with lisinopril at 10 milligrams which is considered to be a low dose after CFS with a couple of days of fat and salt. Great flavor it's true but life is about more than flavor. Surfing the the web like swimming cuts the fat!
The idea is to bring your blood pressure down or up to moderation, like with CFS you have the huge advantage of not all there is.
Bringing it up may be a bit of a risk for cardio but keeping it down is misery with CFS. Certainly you just don't want it too high, and coffee is great if you're searching for the higher bean! This is how I found that my CFS had worked out..it's not perfect but it's far far from CFS misery. Perhaps this is how you can work yours out too if you have CFS or Long Covid and though I can make no guarantees because it has risk, this is how it's turned out for me.
After what you've been through even if your CFS is also cured or controlled at first you may find it stressful to control what you eat and get real control.
For this I use timer padlocks and other tricks as I say on this link CLICK HERE or see the post link at the end of the page. This method is also good for computer overuse which more than 50% now have and also a good a way to control your weight.
CLICK HERE or see this link on my link list below if you like for my page about methods of controlling high blood pressure I'll show you the methods I found with practice and also why each one has real value for doing this, more powerful than BOGO!
How to save money for Avemar or for General value
If you're poor with CFS to save money you might want to buy a pressure cooker and cook your own Foods. When you eat foods like potatoes which you can put in the pot to heat and cool for an hour only and you don't have to cut or legumes which only take 35 minutes, your food bill can literally be as low as $1.50 a day. This may be worthwhile for you if you are poor with CFS if for example you have a landlord who likes people to play guitars but not dogs who sing!
Food has been costing a lot of people.. that's right potato chips and helpful food like juices have an enormous markup.
By this method not only can you pay for the pressure cooker in 6 days and it goes on paying for itself indefinitely but you can also have extra money to invest..
For some other food accentuations that we may not supposedly have to know so much about, right, know all there is right away and my patience prayer is answered! Click Here or see the like Link at the end of the page if you like to rest and read the rest of my pithy prose of this page.. I'm rhyming away wherever I Go Amazon I am they have no sign out or GPS map after they changed it!
Often people with CFS or long Covid don't have much money and most people spend at least $50 a day on food like for lunch so when you have the pressure cooker you're getting at least like 60 or $70 extra every week. This also helps to improve your food security as in you don't have to eat so much food that's bad for you to keep your blood pressure down once your CFS is cured if so.
Essentially the method I've used to cure CFS by use of Avemar and Comfort Foods is where I'm neither dying of high blood pressure due to MCT oil like tricaprin which reverses cardio as you can see on the web nor miserable because of CFS, the Best of Both Worlds!
As I say the evidence seems to show that CFS is definitely about low blood pressure. When my blood pressure was the highest sometimes my CFS symptoms are completely disappeared.
For example vegetarians can hold their arm out their side for half an hour without being tired but most people can just hold them out for about 5 minutes without severe pain.
Even with my blood pressure at say 105 over 71 which is comfortable and I can easily lift 15 lb weights fast in each hand light combined with knee bends for cardio I still can't hold my arm out to my side without pain for more than a minute or two.
While my cognitive symptoms are almost completely gone at this level, and while I have walked 4 or 5 miles a day or more for years without severe discomfort I found that while I have this gift I still can't do heavy exercise for more than a few minutes without noticeable cognitive and physical stress the next day.
So I'm at the level I am and if you find yourself with this level after your blood pressure rises if you can make it rise you might want to both walk a lot every day as I do with the energy you recieve just to give thanks.
But you also may want to start in with a heavy exercise program or what I call a program by starting like I have with this 5 minutes of heavy exercise every other day with the other more common exercise and see just how comfortable you feel. Walking four five miles a day is easy for me to do but more intense exercise including resistance exercise I'm learning how.
My guess is if I can do this at 5 minutes then I can start to extend it though I don't yet know.
So as you can see raising your blood pressure to moderate levels and controlling it with a drug like Lisinopril which is the main low blood pressure drug given even at the low dose I take of 10 mg a day, it's a bit more complex and saying you're just cured or not cured.
One thing I'll tell you is I surely would exchange moderately high blood pressure for CFS any day!
This has risk of course because as you raise your blood pressure you're risking a heart attack. This is why I strongly recommend if you're considering raising your blood pressure like this to consult your doctor or CFS specialist before attempting to do this.
I did this just by luck and I'm telling the truth, I'm not dead yet! Three can keep a secret if most are asleep!
Often people die of a heart attack without even knowing they have it.
And when you exchange high blood pressure for CFS one thing you could say is your cured because there's no way known (other than perhaps the health news about tricaprin) to reduce the inflammation that causes high blood pressure. You're fighting the CFS fire low blood pressure with the inflammation fire of high blood pressure..
With or without tricaprin and other methods like exercise or natto so the chest is not uncomfortable and no CFS, I've seen no real sign that CFS will ever return with my five years of higher blood pressure so far.
This is your own decision and you would see your doctor about it no doubt. I found out it wasn't as simple as this because I went to the emergency room with high blood pressure one night after about a year of thrill when I found that I had higher blood pressure and my CFS was mostly gone.
But research about CFS is not as considerable as the large amount of research about how to lower your blood pressure and as far as comfort and convenience goes it would seem to be vastly better than CFS to have mild high blood pressure that you can more easily control than CFS if you get it in time.
Note that if your blood pressure goes too high it becomes much more difficult to control so I strongly recommend if you take this route of raising your blood pressure only under your doctor's advice with Avemar or comfort foods that you do so with the doctor and a grain of salt substitute substitute!
You may feel disdain for going to see professional but once your blood pressure is raised this becomes much easier.
And since this is the nearest to a CFS cure I can think of this may only last a while and you can get on with your life.
A real good trick I found for keeping my blood pressure moderate once my CFS misery had passed was to use natto, a soybean derivative that can reduce systolic pressure by 20 points in a week.. natto is an outlier because it's the only food that has 90% more of the real kind of K2 in the natto MK7 than the next food in this horse race, like what did Mr Ed the talking horse do with all his money he made on the show? He bet it all on auto races and got rich! (This is an old talking horse laff I remembered!).
I strongly recommend powdered natto because natto beans don't keep for more than like 3 weeks and are really gross and yucky. Since I also would say you should take it only like with use 4 days apart per dose because K2 levels stay high and you don't need as much anyway it will last you for a lifetime supply for $70 unlike the yucky beans for $70 which last 3 weeks.
I'm taking other herbs for blood sugar which cause blood thinning and 50% now have blood sugar issues and 80% of the older people.
The two herbs I take are sphaeranthus indicus or Indian thistle plus pau d archo.
As I say I'm in a more advanced phase in my research about CFS and so some of these herbs seem much better than the earlier ones I might have tried or that you might consider undergoing the research about..
Unlike earlier herbs I tried, neither Indian thistle nor pau d archo seem to have any edginess or discomfort or side effects I can find other than more energy.
But the reason that I take them both sometimes at least after my blood pressure has risen so I presume this would help the most, is about sugar..
You can find quite a lot of money and greatly reduce sugar damage by using the pressure cooker. Even so some sugar like watermelon or oranges can be healthy for you by the nutrition or just the thrill of eating some chocolate or cheese now and then to raise your blood pressure a bit if you like with CFS once you've cured it. Cheese is not out or out of Wisconsin where they arrest them for smuggling in Cheetos.. the best part of being rich may be the doctor can never find you in all the cheese crunchies!
About sugar Indian thistle acts like herbal insulin and and like mangosteen it also counteracts one of the main enzymes alpha amylase, that convert carbohydrates to sugar. And I think also pau d archo has another enzyme like this. So if you take these to herbs when you take sugar sometimes this can completely stop you from being feeling woozy or tired after you eat sugar. There are other carb blockers like this like kidney bean extract, but this didn't work for me and it's like $30 a month as opposed to $20 a year for herbs like indian thistle.
Both Indian thistle and pau d archo are considered to be cognitive and fitness boosters at least they are for me once my blood pressure is risen..I don't know necessarily if it will work with CFS for now but of course you can take Activive short term.
Both indian thistle and pau d archo are strongly anti-cancer and I consider Indian thistle to be considerably superior to all herbs I found for this because it's not a blood thinner so you don't have the risk of blood clots you don't want and it's also really energizing and with no edginess or other cognitive symptoms.
Both herbs are also strong immune boosters which gives you energy without edginess by nutrition.
One reason I mention Pau d Archo here is because it's also a blood thinner and this really doesn't go with K2 as well because of risk of blood clots so I'm taking a lower dose of K2 with the natto just a pinch like every three or four days and this means since K2 stays in your system for days that I can even take pau d archo without much risk or reduced risk.
One concern about CFS is about covid. But those who take blood thinners are 50% less likely to die of covid. So taking pau d archo with even a little bit of natto with K2 now and then as I do may be wise.
Even so as I say Indian thistle has a long list of wondrous advantages and it's not a blood thinner and it also helps with blood sugar dramatically so I tend to favor Indian thistle over pau d archo even so.
Natto in addition is good for calcium or bone building issues, and 50% have severe toothache problems at any time and 1/3 of people age 65 have lost all their teeth. You're more likely to have toothache if you have CFS because your immune system is not strong yet (without immune boosters like these or Avemar which do work as experts say).
If you start taking low doses of natto powder like this like every few days, in just a few months your toothache will stop progressing especially if you eat more food without so much salt or sugar by preparing it yourself with the pressure cooker.
In addition to 97% being deficient of K2 57% of people are also short of D3 which has major importance to boosting K2 itself.
The natto powder I use is from Geumjung Tapgol Farms from S Korea on Amazon. This is much more powerful K2 than something like Ghee butter which is more expensive and doesn't have as much and also get is sour like the milk out of the cow.. And soy good soy is the cow of the field for protein.
It took me years to find this brand of K2..synthetic K2 is toxic and made from tobacco, and this seems to me to be a lifetime supply for just $70..