Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Best Method I've Seen For Improving My Looks Since I was So Cute in The Mirror in Ohio! 

Derm! Derm! Dermal Good! Malaties! Malaties! Malaties, Enough Four Malaties! My Math is Improved! "What Relief..."

I've tried immune boosters, general wonder herbs like Olive Leaf, candle wax like vaseline in hopes of moisturising my face, exercises like chin ups (the house went up!). Most of them had use but not as much as....

 dishwashing liquid/baking soda, then rinse..

The dishwashing liquid patented anionic surfactants in "Dawn" are unlike Mr. Clean. The baking soda combines well with the soap (the word for soap is from the word for salt) to remove dander real well, and the light hue removes lines by adding in more baking soda for looks. It absorbs stuff like junk from way deep in your skin. When you wash and scrub with the towel then rinse it tones your face by both the water and the rub. The Dawn and baking soda also stretch and smooth wrinkles well. Don't remove all of the soap since it generally helps lines by a bit of camoflage, like you want to save wildlife with a celebration.

If you have eczema (skin itching caused by staph) webmd recommends mangosteen. I use it in one cap/10 0z bottle (much causes low blood sugar (wooziness)) but just a bit on your face with the Dawn/baking soda removes all the dander and it works real well. The best I've ever see is turmeric/ginger for a few days (actually while you are orange and a night light is on!). THIS IS AMAZING for eczema. Even so once you are amazed and awake more often you may want to finish with a herb on skin like pau d archo an immune modulator from SA with no discomfortable side effects at low doss needed, and this isn't so orange on my face. Experts say ezcema isn't curable so the best bet is to hope to make peace with the immune system since eczema is n inflammation and  pau d' archo helps in general.

I've tried Mictactin All Stop from Walmart and it also has patented anionic surfactants, yet it's cheaper and more powerful with the Dawn and baking soda because the baking soda boosts the power of the Dawn and vice versa. It may be the same stuff as Mictactin, yet you get a lot more.

 This also makes a great cheap hair and bodywash, vinegar is the power rinse. And as I say on my other posts, it's great used with DE Diatomaceous Earth for removing, ants dust mites, etc. from your house of real estate, you own your own moat! (DE, like baking soda has 1000's of uses, and most of the uses are "other uses". No it's to be used for the other use also!)


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