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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

..WEIGHT CONTROL And The TRUER Value of Walking..


Keep in mind as I say that the ideas and methods on this site are my own and may not pertain to you and be sure to ask your doctor or other healthcare professional before making any changes in diet, health, or exercise. And if you have any medical condition this is also true.

The New Science of Walking To Lose Weight

I went out walking on a 92° day the other day (see my other post about staying warm winter and cool summer to save AC heat, (You can click here WWWWW if you like or see this link at end of the post if you like for walking in comfort year round as I do. Staying outside especially to exercise has been linked with better behavioral health. And it may be especially for good for this if you're comfortable and not too hot or cold!))

.. and I walked for an hour and 20 minutes for exercise because Prevention magazine says supposedly if you exercise for an hour and 20 you lose like a pound and if you exercise just for an hour you lose like an ounce. 

Sounds amazing if true or just so amazing right! 

If this is Prevention is not just Promotion then this may make it much more probable so perhaps anyone could lose weight by eating in moderation, exercising just like two days a month by walking and the rest for fitness without the hour and 20 minutes each day. (Exercise each day is like for cardio or muscle conditioning and doesn't itself burn off any fat much.)

The idea is because exercise is an appetite suppressant one might be able to lose a pound a week reliably and not so quickly so it stays off. I personally have already lost about 35 lb in three years and hopefully methods like these improvements will with luck be enough to roll me over to my healthy weight and another 30 off in just a year.

If I find myself eating a bit more that week like by stress I just schedule for two exercise hours of an hour and 20! Pay as you go so the weight doesn't build up, at least if you don't eat so much that you overpower your ability itself to exercise this way.

This is the idea that you can use walking for the hour and 20 minutes to maintain your weight when otherwise you gain it which may not make you more hungry and also when you're not stressed for longer periods perhaps you can lose it more reliably and regularly.

Even if there is weight on sometimes even with the exercise, this gives an important new option that can make it even so I can lose it later on if despite the best efforts of mice and meow sometimes the weight went up.

If I lose too much too fast, I just eat a bit more to stabilize weight. Calorie restriction just doesn't work for me, nor does eating..

Before this it was believed that exercise was out of the reach of most people for weight control. 

The walkers may have had the advantage all along, like the walking sandwich commercial! (This was an old Advil and this month, a weight off family reunion! Hugs! Aunts! Honey Buzz!)

  I've read the that the best way lose the weight and keep it off was by walkers but they may have been doing it a tougher way by walking all the time a lot of times for just an hour and not losing as much. 

One major problem about exercise for weight control by other methods than the ones I use here is about how exercise itself by older methods including just walking by luck makes you so uncomfortable you don't lose weight or you gain it because of the discomfort of the exercise itself.

 This may be why you see sites that say that they give them the trainer and the ones without the trainer and neither of them lose any more weight.

  One such site I saw on my sightseeing marathon, says this is true as established by new studies. And the site says that it's worthless to pay for a trainer and going to the gym for weight loss.

 Finally they perscribe their antidotal experience where they say via a placebo power fitness boost exercise jug with a winch on the exercise jug to get fit with pills for strength! The antidote was how their father when the author was a kid is on a mail delivery route. Some had walking only and others had driving the stamp jeep but the ones who walked had large bellies.

 I think the real reason they had fat was because they're constantly exercising and this is not always efficient as only walking for weight off like a few hours a month!


 It had been believed by heart doctors that the lower the blood pressure the better. More recent research shows that below a certain level it becomes less healthy because your heart is clogged up and there's not enough circulation going to it when it gets too low so there's an optimal level for all there is you can toxify on too much water 🌊. I'm having too much pleasure in living, right!

  So too wrong exercise can damage muscle, and just as likely, the wrong kind of exercise, almost all of it for weight loss won't work.


 This is not because football players are so dumb they have to memorize a stack of floppies worth of strategies I mean whoever stood on a stack of floppies right reading audio volumes are always ahead in the wager!

 It's because you may win more with the right kind of exercise, which was unknown before this month and you lose with the wrong way if your elbows are much of a sign!

  If this holds, not only will the exercise work but also it won't need luxury, it's in reach of a lot more people to lose the weight.

The trick might well be to lose gradually by exercise the right amount so it's neither a pain nor without value. Instead of taking 5 days to lose a pound with calorie restriction lots of pain and muscle loss this makes it so you can do it much more precisely and with better health presumably in just perhaps 3 hours. (1 hour and 20 of exercise and 2 to rest. )

 I've set my goal at 2 lb per month.


OTHER METHODS TO BOOST WEIGHT CONTROL I USE/How I changed my eating habits..

 As I say on my other weight loss pages a good trick I use is to blend my food with more complex flavors, like a strawberry is tough to overeat compared to like chips, because research has found that simple flavors are not putting limits on your eating events like more complex foods as in evolution. 

Also using foods with low flavor has been found to have strong influence in weight control but I favor moderate low flavor not no flavor in my food because I tried this and I did lose it by low flavor but then I gained it back. The walking "may be the real method" with low flavoring and complexity of food.

Seems to work well for many types of foods. For a while I was changing my food situation and this is all from where I found I'd eaten more than I wanted and so when I changed the store I started taking the veggies I like to eat more and simply put them all into one bowl and then just add something like oats or rye flour to moderate with the more complex flavor.

 Another good trick I use is not eat much fat and also for flavor I like to add a sweetener like lohan or erythritol with it, Lakanto is a one-to-one blend I buy on Amazon for about 10$ a lb. Splenda sells a 1/1 blend at stores like Food Lion. These are the best sweeteners for sugar substitutes I've ever used without the bitter aftertaste of all the rest. Lo han in addition to good flavor is found to have no side effects after 20 years of use and erythritol is considered to be the safest for easiest to tolerate of the sugar alcohols.

Using the Lakanto which really tastes good, it's good for all kinds of healthy foods in reach because they taste good enough that they're not boring.

 Lakanto works well on  heart healthy foods like tofu, goes great with corn, milk, fish.. I even eat it with heads of lettuce.

It goes great with oatmeal which is supposed to be half or a third of what we eat like grains and makes it all much more comfortable and so you can eat healthy and lose weight reducing fat salt chemicals cholesterol sugar and moms hugs reach mom and you!

These are by far my favorite sweeteners with Lakanto because all the others like sorbitol or mannitol have problems like GI discomfort. Xylitol has liver problems, and sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame have issues about the Multiple Sclerosis epidemic or blindness. 

The lohan/erythritol one-to-one blend is the only one I've seen that has good flavor and seems the most safe.

I use Lakanto brand sweetener and with low sugar of the usual flavor (I like hot dish with my sweets in a cozy December social event in the outdoors!) I use this as my main flavor, and I actually soak out beans in the can to remove much more of the salt, without removing the nutrients (osmosis had low salt in evolution and liked sweets more so it works to remove salt not sugar from the can) but you can't do this with sugared foods so I just limit sugar and salt and eat the sweetener with the other foods for flavor.

 Lots of foods you wouldn't suspect have enough flavor with a sweetener like this, even beans, fish and more!

 I also lock up my scale with timer padlocks but I found this doesn't work as well for food itself because it's complex to keep track of reliably and I seriously believe the only real way to lose weight is by doing something else more healthy like exercise and then with complexity of flavor and reduction of hype and also other healthy activities like exercise is the only way to really lose weight "as in, unconsciously".

Like pleasure and living weight loss is not my goal but only a byproduct of other healthy activities like eating a low calorie high nutrient diet.

 In the future science may soon have GE and flip off genes and cure overweight and also other types of health issues with a $5 OTC and reduced strain.  

So if  this exercise trick doesn't work for you, be patient and cheer up, in a year or two there may be real improvements coming. (The method of walking for hours may soon be older science and good things come to those who read me I hope and celebrate!)

I personally favor exercise over something like this because it's more natural and without risk of side effects if there were any. If so there wouldn't be any, right! My side is not so fat!

If the walkers had a secret, this was a surprise to the rest of us and perhaps to the walkers also because good news (best for now maybe soon even better about GE) would seem no one has to walk , more than just 2x a month for an hour and 20 minutes or so, if I stop eating, or more if I continue like for stress. 

The walkers themselves with lack of knowledge might have been overdoing it..

I tend to walk for about 1 and 1/2 or 2 hours and so far by the measure of my face I seem to look twice as thin and it's not the reradiance of the mirror in this first week or so of the method..

Supposedly Prevention Magazine says this is an addition to the 360 calories you burn off for the hour.


 This is an easy way to lose like 10 or 15 lb but beyond that I found that it's like losing weight by other methods and it becomes stressful at this point. I decided to see if I could stabilize my weight by raising it back up by 3 lb. And due to this 15 lb limit since I had this extra from the start, I start to realize that losing too much too soon is not going to be viable due to simple discomfort it makes it so you can't talk!

 People might try to criticize you at this point in your diet and one way a lot of us could reduce the opportunity is by having enough money to limit these social events.

For a lot of people this talking limit becomes the limit of their diet so it's important to not be greedy and I've settled for just a pound or two a month weight loss by this method slow enough to be comfortable and won't gain it back.

Basically the ability to talk and not be criticized for your diet becomes a limit and also what I can't afford if I'm not yet a mild mannered rich financial like so many of us are!

This may be much better than calorie restriction or wrong exercise because for calorie restriction you would lose it like for 2 weeks or 14 days and the exercise involved for only 4 hours. If we count those 14 days as 14x 12 hours it's 168 hours of being tangled up in calorie restriction with your body going into starvation mode and criticism combined with more constant hunger and that's just the time when you're losing the weight that's not the rest of the month so for walking though if you do it right it's just like 4 hours a month or 40 times simpler.

I was saying that I was hiding my scale to not be superstitious and not know what I was getting as with the usual diet. Since I know what I'm getting with this the scale actually has value because.... If it's too low it's valuable to gain it back to where it's not uncomfortable without getting more than that and if it's too high you know just how much to lower it on those two days a month when you're actually walking an hour and 20 on each. I schedule mine for a pound off two times a month once in 15 days this evens out the stress the most for the most optimal method I think.

If I lose too much I simply have some fun and eat more, and if I lose too little I might exercise another hour and 20. This removes much of the supper superstition of the weight loss and why hide the scale it has a built-in exercise machine!

Even so with this in reach experts recommend that we use walking as only one component of a healthy diet and exercise plan.

While resistance training is good for cardio and so is aerobic, stretching and lifting a weight for a while to condition muscles, walking has other attributes and is not this type of event.

As there are different types of exercise for different value everyone has their own exercise plan that may be the best.

My personal plan is to walk an hour and 25 just every 15 days to lose 2 lbs a month and walk every day less than an hour to  burn off the basic 300 calories that are necessary not to become ill, and also fast exercise perhaps most days to cleanse out and strengthen my heart.

(You may ask why walk all the time to burn off the 300 calories? This has been found by recent research to be because in evolution or the lack of it we were speeding up our activities.  Because we had weapons we had to run farther and faster to catch our lunch and so this has been evolved into our physiology. 

Vapes in the zoo don't get cardio or blood sugar problems even though they don't exercise (by Huff and Puff!) and we share 97% of the same genes so my belief is that somewhere in those 3% may be the solution both to cardio, overweight, and blood sugar since overweight is so often associated with blood sugar.

And of course the cause of essential hypertension which supposedly has no known cause has often turned out to be blood sugar.

I'm trying this exercise method out and if it works, I'll know and you may also if you see me, the famous marathon hero in your city!


Two things to keep in mind if you try this trick is that risk of dying by all causes goes up by a third if you lose weight if you're older than 65 and in the studies they find it doesn't matter how you lost the weight and lose it by exercise or diet and the same risk.

Another important consideration is about how some research shows that anyone's chance of losing all their weight and keeping it off is only 1%.

Be that as it may these methods might put you in that 1% of the walkers. The 99% who fail I think would seem to have used methods like calorie restriction and wrong exercise.

At the most I've lost 35 and kept off over 5 years by exercise and other methods one of which was the herb called Meritrim which was supposedly real safe, but unlike what the Meritrim company says, Webmd says  the two compounds, mangosteen and indian thistle haven't been tested long-term, and it may be edgy. So it's great to use good old non-fat exercise and no cost and perhaps this will turn the tide and cleanse my fat out without soap, and my circulation also..

Even so the walkers may have been losing weight inefficiently even for them, so while we don't yet know, this might increase the probability that overweight people could lose weight and keep it off..

 If you lose it too fast there are more than the constant frazzle events.. Also there are other issues increased risk of problems like, tendonitis, bursitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, depression and a cost of feeling of being frazzled till you just eat and you've lost all your progress. 

And in addition to the risk if you're over 65 of increased risk of death by all causes, you give yourself a spleenectomy if you lose it too fast.

For this reason and though it may not fit your situation (and you use all the information on this site at your own risk, to your healthcare professional before making any changes in lifestyle diet or exercise) I've opted to lose just a 2 pounds a month and in 2 years or so I could lose 50 lbs if needed...don't want to get greedy and lose it too fast.

 A slower but surer way may win the competition more than fancy gimmicks like crash diets. 

I also recommend a high nutrition low calorie diet.

At any rate I've found calorie restriction to be worthless for weight loss other than just not calorie augment. Even so low-fat low salt low sugar with enough calories to never be hungry, with the flavor of the sweetener and the higher nutrition lower calorie diet seems to work best with exercise for me.

Plan on never being hungry if you're doing it right but also remember that you must not over or under eat.

You want to use the small change of like 2 pounds a month and repeat it over and over without much discomfort till you've lost the weight.


 I found that motivation other than just being moderate doesn't work you know a high level of levelness...

 This method of rapidly losing 2 lbs a month when you need to when you're able to is a technical method mostly and you want it not as the main goal in life, not that astounding, just reps of the 2 lb a month, slower and steady. Nothing else has worked for me.

 For fast weight loss 1 in four go on to pathological dieting and research shows that losing it fast means you're on a diet permanently (other than if you gain it back and is this the solution or the problem, right...)

The "definition of a permanent diet" seems to be like where your buffer for hunger between the time between you're hungry and when you eat is decreased.

So if you lose it too fast every time you're hungry you're reminded that if you eat more you have that buffer returned and you're more relaxed more often.

To me this seems to be the definition of a permanent diet for those who've "lost weight too fast" and it seems just totally worthless compared to doing it by first losing 10 lbs and then using exercise to lose 2 lb a month as I have for the 35 lbs and more...!

Even so just walking for a few hours a month extra just for the one pound each time with the built-in appetite suppressant seems superior to calorie restriction.  One good reason is because you can put this more reliably right where you're most strong in your schedule.

One way to do this is to just lose like 10 lb to prove to yourself that this really works. 


Beyond this phase however your weight loss returns will diminish because of the reduced buffer and also because your body will go into starvation mode and you won't be able to talk as well.

So while the 10 lb is a nice trophy for your ego alter trophy shelf, if you have any more than 10 lbs to go, only a long-term method when you get a pound in edgewise here and there might be best.

This is not so bad considering that you can use lose 50 lb in just 2 years! 

 Even for those who are more overweight there's hope because they really won't be in pain for good results. It will just take longer. This method may make it so anyone could lose 50, 100, even 300 lbs.. Those are 200 or 300 lb  overweight can lose it in 6 years if they start now.

Life was always filled with woe  and it's not how high we sail but how high we bounce some say if at any rate we can afford to bounce and taking calculated risks may be considered a valuable part of healthy living.

Research has shown that you're more probable to gain weight than you are to lose it if you lose it to improve your looks. I noticed this over some winters when I'm saving heat and I was wearing enough on my face to not see my face for a long time, and in April or May I got a good look and the surprise of some fat removed from my face.

And this is why I started putting sheets and poly box lids with duct tape over my bathroom  mirrors I'm serious! I spend a lot of my time alone as they say the truth abounds in golden auras. And I think in evolution since the only mirror we had was the lake and the shimmering afterlife, I don't want to double my fat by the reflection! This helps to reduce diet hype because you can't see what other people might be upset or in celebration about!

 Studies show drawing a picture of a pizza makes us not hungry, so I take photos of my neighborhood and my house in the light and when it starts to rain I look at them for a good celebration! 

 And also in the winter when it snows I might go around and take videos of all the snows and the winter wonderland but don't look at it while the months of the drought and heat build up, and then I start to hope for rain while I watch this video! Good for a heatwave just sit around and look at big piles of blocks of ice from Christmas! Christmas lights! Bells!

I want to also say here what webmd says prescription strength!

Calcium reduces body fat by 67% and this is only with a low calorie diet.

Low calorie is not the same as low fat. 

Since vitamin K2 is only absorbed with more fat or moderate fat and vitamin K2 with D3 which you can't take without K2 because it damages your artery otherwise changes the absorption of calcium profoundly.

It's been said that vitamin K2 hasn't yet been linked to weight loss, but I have a strong suspicion that this may not be true because you need to at least some fat to absorb the K2 which is essential to the calcium and for the D2 absorb also you can't absorb D3 correctly without K2 and K2 can absorb without some level of fat.

For this reason I favor the food called natto from Japan which is 90% more of the most important type of K2 that absorbs unlike the rest along with salmon a small dose of salmon each day an ounce or two.

Natto with it's wonderous K2 goes with the salmon because salmon has both A and D3, and the fat which makes the K2 absorb, plus a healthy form of calcium.

I don't use cheap synthetic K2 supplements because the food source is not synthesized from tobacco like these are and they made me feel awful for the same value and cost well more so I'm aware!

Also keep in mind that there are promises that nattokinase can lower systolic blood pressure 20 points in 2 weeks. I tried supplement nattokinase two or three times and it did nothing of the sort.

Nattokinase supplements are not necessarily anything to do with natto the food...

Supposedly 80% of the OTC's sold by Walmart GNC and Target were found by state's attorney generals to be counterfeit OTCs in 2014 and in general as much as 1/3 of the OTC's are thought to be counterfeit.

NY Natto is the real thing it's a food with real soy beans and it can lower your blood pressure too low so you want to not overdo it also.

Also if you're using blood thinners use natto with caution..

 You literally need only to eat a few beans or maybe five a day of the small beans of soy and the natto and it can dramatically reduce your blood pressure in 2 weeks and it may also dramatically improve insulin resistance according to some early science.

So the cost of real natto because you use so little of it it's just $5 a month.

I bought 65 year dollars worth of New York natto it's sort of a brand name and this will last a year.

People ask why it's so expensive and a lot of people try to make their own but this would be a real labor I'd say, and there will be lots of odor in your house and I have concern about whether I can even do it since it's kind of complex to make.


FOR GOOD FLAVOR FOR THE SALMON JUST ADD KETCHUP like McVisa AND FOR THE NATTO FLAVOR you need to eat not so much of it, or you might blend it a little bit with sweetener as they do with garlic...and for garlic by the way to make it taste not so bitter I use the more moist sort of it in the jar with sweetener salt substitute substitute...



  As promised I'll show how I stay cool or hot year round while walking also saving on air conditioning and heat, e.g. with a cooling ice jug out in the heat for hours and in PM hours I spray water on my sheet for much better than air conditioning comfort when I go to sleep in the heat.

And also I use a dry layer trick and keep my feet and coat much warmer in winter, because wet insulation radiates out heat 20 times more than dry.

For complete solutions and how, WOW! click here!