When Activive Is Not enough For CFS/The Three General types of Stimulants Known
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As I say elsewhere on this site, and though this may not work for you, Activive was great for my CFS, it's advertised to solve 97% of fatigue symptoms, is all natural with no side effects (I've never had a single symptom, you may know about MCS "Multiple Chemical", other than adjustment edginess when I'd miss the dose time by an hour or two) and it does something no other energiser I'd ever tried was worth reducing confusion and other neural symptoms unlike edgy stimulants. I went through a lot of stimulants to find safe, non edgy, Activive, to me true oasis is a desert of sunshine! I'm more than semi thrilled, I'm more like in tank of fizz! The liquid is much better than the earlier powder caps.. From Hello Life, the company I consider it an essential foundation to my CFS defence. It completely reverses enzyme deficiency. I tend to believe if you're like most with CFS, Activive will be good enough for you. Active is custom made for CFS defence, and it works! It's a great general foundation. Perhaps like most with CFS your search is over other than complications like inflammations you may have had..
But complications are common for many of us. In my situation, I was searching for CFS relief and before I found Activive, I took progesterone, advertised by Prevention magazine, vendors online, and famous doctors like Earl Mendel as safe and of worth, even to this day. Down the list of progesterone sites I went to fifty pages later to find one honest or informed vendor at any rate, and there I found I had cancer by a complication of my search to solve CFS.
This is about the mitochondria, small cell powerhouses that solve CFS, but also the power of cancer. Many people with CFS are more prone to cancer since the immune system is compromised, your DNA is not your own, and there's reduced oxygen. 50% will get cancer and the probability is higher with CFS, and so on including the herbs. If you are newer to CFS and have Activive, you may be in a much better situation than People With CFS before, since you don't have to search through a list of stimulants, thus you don't have to risk so as much harm to your physiology climate control machine, I'm not fat I'm gravity boosted! I was in good health when I got CFS, so I had more to wager than many, in a way the strength of my body and search are what I hope can offer better relief to you than I had, I sympathize with you my own kind.
CFS and Mitochondria
You can see there is often the need for more energy for many People With CFS. Anything that compromises or slows the mitochondria, and this is necessary to stop cancer, is going to reduce energy and there may be many in the search for CFS herb relief. Many PWC's are going to need more energy. The mitochondria are the cell powerhouses and are much involved with CFS and the mitos seem to need to be shut down more if you have cancer. (Mitochondria from cancer cells put into healthy cells get cancer 87% of the time, while mitochondria from healthy cells put into cancer cells show little change.). If Activive isn't enough by way of the mitochondria where to find more energy?
You may have tried ribose, ginseng, ect, but these have side effects and aren't really that energising. This was the story of the long list of stimulants I went through before Activive Arrivived; Ribose can cause diabetes, and ginseng toxifies the body, needing weeks of edginess to cleanse, 3 out of 4, and it reduces adrenal strength in the long run, ect. and neither is that powerful, and so on and so fourth, and so fifth. Activive was my oasis in a desert of sound, well sound sounds good now. I wanted a way to have energy all day even if Activive was great as far as I got. Higher dose was no more powerful, and it was costish a bit, well CostCo saves!
The option of solanine I consider below is a second level option, before you consider solanine, as I say Activive is a foundation association of federations, yet you may need more energy yet. Using solanine has considerable cautions, even at low dose. And while the cautions are mostly solvable and this level of solanine is with reduced toxicity, and solanine is found in common foods like potatoes or ketchup, it has the common risks that are well known to science that make consideration of other methods of worth.
Ray Sahilean says he thinks of all oxytocin supplements as a scam since it won't absorb when taken without injection. You read on Amazon where they review oxytocin for 90$ an ounce and say it's got so much alcohol YOU COULDN'T PASS A SOBRIETY TEST, How are the vendors of formulas like this going to get anyone to trust them to buy it? They call it "Liquid Trust" or "Oxyluv", perhaps if they called it Liquid Distrust they would pay you!
At any rate the pituitary is dysfunctional in 97% of PWC's so many doctors prescribe oxytocin. Activive liquid works so well however for CFS, I would think it does something powerful for this.
I went through a phase of searching for stimulants to boost Activive more, and in my R and D, I found thyme or sage are great in culinary doses if used say two days a month. Thyme is great for just one day at a thyme! Thyme acts like oxytocin, and raises blood pressure, but USE WITH CAUTION. It's worthless for long term use because it can be addictive and cause severe problems rather like alcohol addiction. If you're edgy about even the great feel good social power of thyme with Activive for CFS, you may want to consider oxytocin, which is not addictive, for use when most needed like I used it for visits by relatives, ect.
In my hopes to boost my energy, I was frustrated by thyme, it's cheap, and is a feel good all day solution to CFS woes. Yet I dared not try it all month.
All other methods fizzled in two or three weeks, what to do for day to day energy?
Here, beyond Activive is what I consider a second line of defence; in a study on the Herbs for Lyme site, it says almost 100% of PWC's test positive for Lyme disease, and one of its hallmark symptoms is severe fatigue. But there's more. Given Una De Gato a South American herb 100% of these people showed dramatic improvement in their CFS symptoms with Una De Gato, also known as Cat's Claw! I've been taking Una for 10 months at lower dose than they recommend, and it really works! One of the main cautions is to increase it SLOWLY for safety and comfort. For Dosing and other considerations Click Here, or See link at the bottom of this page.
Uno De Gato is also powerful against cancer, and this solves both risk of cancer and CFS if taken with caution. The link is an anticancer site, as it relates to Uno.
For my third level of energy defence or another option for you if it may fit your situiation I found that eleuthero ginseng daily plus green tea is a viable stimulant with Activive. Eleuthero is not edgy if you take it at the same dose and time. I use four loud alarms, two AM two PM. General to exact. Using a separate cellphone type alarm with words labeled will also help to remember to take the dose if the power goes out, and batteries in you alarms are of value here too.
The eleuthero dose I use is 6 450 mg caps in a 32 oz jug, poured in a cup to dose about one inch of the eleuthero with a line around using tape, and marked by this line and the word "eleuthero" on the cup and the tape, cheap paper tape used also on the label of the eleuthero jug, embalmed with invisible packing tape.
Green tea as I use it is with 1/3 reduced caffeine,and has a balance of nutrition so no crash and burn like coffee. It's cheap at the discount store, just 4 bucks a month for my tea I got from Sri Lanka, what a travel saved! Much cheaper than at Kmart. Boiling is a hassle, so I just eat the bag of tea after tearing the seal. Green tea gives three or four hours of reliable energy, not at the level of thyme or oxytocin, but still great for doing what I must around the walls of mirrors of where I live I can see me living here! Green tea is also anticancer a CFS concern, and acts as a considerable inner sunblock SPF 450 shield in the heat.
Activive with eleuthero and thyme (or oxytocin) may be good for social energy, while I use Activive eleuthero and green tea for more physical energy, it's a bit more edgy, but not really, not the highest quality for social use, but still the workhorse.
For more energy yet you may want to use panax ginseng by the same alarm method at much lower dose. Unlike green tea, eleuthero, or Activive, panax will fizzle out in about 10 days, so due to what adjusting edginess there is to solve, I use a much reduced dose than recommended, To reduce the dose I put one cap in a medicine dropper bottle labeled well (Activive jugs reach the afterlife!) and I use just one drop AM. Be sure if you use panax to also write on your alarm and in your AZ when you start and finish with each cycle of 11 days on, 2 weeks off for panax are needed to cleanse out your system if you opt in for using panax as I have. This may not work for you and while it has for me, ask a health care professional for advice about your health before making any changes in health or lifestyle.
Panax combined with Activive. eleuthero and green tea is more edgy. So if you like more panax with Activive and eleuthero, reducing green tea at these times may be of worth.
For most with CFS more than Activive may not be needed!
As I say, this is a special site for people like me who have need of more energy than Activive allows, and actually Activive isn't cheap, 15 a month is somewhat expensive, 180 a year indefinitely,. And, I found while you may not, Activive beyond a certian level gives me no more energy, no matter how much I spend.
While the above method of the herbs and timers is somewhat elaborate, it works well if feeling fine most of the time is of value, I don's say yes, no thanks much!
Finally a fourth more risk inclined option than the herb/timers, above; Activive with solanine, but only if the first three lines fail. This seems of reduced safety. Even so as I say on the link below, the safety of solanine and how to counteract the two main problems, calcium and acetylcholine, are well known to science. This part of my site is more an archival type, and ye old word processor will snore! Dust is great for my spider website, adds old world flavor!
Stimulant Types
There are supposedly just two types of stimulants, adrenal stimulants like coffee or cola that burn out your adrenals or the nourishing stimulants like bee pollen, green foods, ribose, ect. Activive is more an adrenal booster without much edginess and it also does special things like enzyme boosts and improves cognition. But there is a third major type of stimulant, the brain neurotransmitter stimulants. In CFS, the main brain neurotransmitter, acetylcholine is most in depletion of any neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine has real worth for attention, alertness, and memory. Solanine and more acetylcholine really would wake me up especially even if used in really small doses in combination with Activive. The strongest acetylcholine booster known is solanine, like from potatoes, tomatoes, hot peppers, tobacco, ect.
As I say your chance of cancer is higher with CFS, and solanine reduces mitochondrial energy while at the same time it boosts acetylcholine and the net result is more energy, the acetylcholine would win out for me certainly.. I read these sites that PWC's review nightshades as really horrible, so only in the general foundation with Activive on which to boost may this advantage of solanine be so. I remember before Activive, and I truly agreed then about nightshades, yet with Activive, a tiny bit of solanine for me at least is a world of wonder compared to without. .
When I considered solanine, brain stimulants like Adderal or Ritalan I ruled out due to some of their side effects, risk of addiction and cost. Solanine isn't addictive, if you have opt in for solanine a super low dose may be more than enough to overpower your CFS with Activive. I originally bought much cheaper eggplant (solanine) from Swanson Health for a few dollars but it was so powerful due to toxicity issues, I opted in for food type of a brand like Amazonia eggplant, 30 dollars worth being is more than a lifetime supply. If for whatever reason (like energy right) you opt in for Activive and eggplant as I did eggplant rather than the safer herb/timer option I currently use above like Swanson, don't take the entire capsule of eggplant, this can be fatal! At least you would try the more expensive, but safer to handle Amazonia eggplant. I've done business with Swanson for more than 10 years, and while their selection value and price are the best anywhere, they have a few of these hazards. I'm mostly a fan of their business because of this, even while they are no saint of Television, is the pope Ronco even so!
Like Ritalin and other brain stimulants solanine has serious side effects at higher doses, and it's to be considered with great care, especially getting the dose set up in the jug without toxicity. Beyond this for me it's so powerful, and I can just toss out the main jug, and I used the super low dose bottle at lower than the needed dose, then I just increased somewhat as needed or wanted.. This zone of my site is indeed for archiving or even an option if you might consider it since I did a lot of research to find these solanine methods and the science, aren't dinosaurs awesome!
..... I used a 10 oz standard mustard bottle with a snap top or ect, or like a bottle and stopper suitably labeled for caution, ect. You're never in contact with an unsafe dose once you have the right level, or at least for me the danger of toxicity is much reduced. For my complete best how to (though like other herb alternate sites, I can't gurantee) about nightshades, including important cautions Click Here or see post above or link at end of page. (This link lists my basic knowledge about nightshades as it was or might be for spome, with links also to sites like the Weston Price, nightshades page.)
Some General Solanine Cautions, And Solutions (IMPORTANT, see Complete Details on Link Below After this Summary if You opt In For Solanine)...
Solanine problems aren't a mystery, this is well known science. The Weston Price site about solanine and other herbs in the nightshade family, like potatoes or tomatoes, ketchup and french fries, lists the two main problems of solanine.
At high doses solanine can cause problems like coma, hallucination or death.. But if used specifically for CFS, the acetylcholine problem for me was "solved by the right dose". In toxicology the saw is, the dose makes the toxicity. A low enough dose will make anything of reduced harm enough, so the memo rises...If it's the right low or super low dose as I say works for me if I had to consider solanine, it's not too much acetylcholine with no edginess, ect or too little acetylcholine and not enough energy as in CFS. And herbs like chamomile or pepper replace solanine at the synapses if it's a bit edgy at times. Unlike band aid or what I considerd to be less viable energy solutions all day like ribose or ginseng, solanine and chamomile act for about 15 hours are long acting and I don't have to keep taking it 5 times a day. And unlike Activive itself due to edginess adjusting if I change the time of dose, with solanine it's both long and short acting too, it's in reach anytime for fast relief.
As I say on this my site and as on the Weston Price site the other main solanine problem I found was about calcium (though there are other cautions as I say on the link below..). Hypercalcemia, too much calcium, can cause, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporeosis, ect and this can be countered by vitamin K2, A and D3 plus a bit of fat to much boost absorption. K2 or Activator X as Weston Price called it is valuable to control calcium levels well. A healthy artery with no calcium will have from 20 to 60 times as much K2, so it acts as a shield from solanine.
For The Link To My Una De Gato Page, Including Cautions, Click Here.
For My Main Site about Nightshades, While The Other Methods May Be Of More Worth, also Perhaps For CFS if You Decide For you The Advantages May Outweigh The Costs, Click Here. Good Luck In Your Search!
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