What is it? Putracine OTHERWISE CALCIUM ONLY WORKS BY Fasting/A low-fat diet for weight loss..ALSO.. WATERMELON REDUCES BODY FAT BY 35%!
Ive combined this with MCT Tricaprin oil (from coconut oil) for an additional completely non-edgy metabolic boost.
Also I use this with exercise because science shows it's actually an appetite reducer.
(In addition of more Prevention, yes Prevention magazine says whiffing peppermint causes 30lbs of weight loss in 6 months. Simply set your timers of your smartphone to alarm a couple of times a day to whiff the tea bags sealed a bit inside the paper for holding on to the scent. I also keep this and my device in a pouch tied around my shoulder and tied with a line connecting the phone and cash bag or jug so they are always in reach.
(To stay more active so I'm not interrupted I charge my phone with a battery pack and a right angle usb-c plug so that plug isn't damaged and this can be really important to saving your phone because once it's damaged the only way you can recharge it is by using a wireless charger and these work but they aren't as fast to charge and you can't charge them from a wire while you're lying down because the charging pad has to be on a shelf..And you really want your USB port to be in good shape because you can get sawdust or even milk powder into it as I have.. so to keep it from clogging up my USB port I used a bit of duct tape on the bottom of my cell phone to hold the plug to the port more permanently so it doesn't jostle around so much because it's a right angle plug.... a great way to stay warm in the winter is with hand warmers that can also be used for your charge your phone mine even has a flashlight, No, extra charge!)
Putracine and related compounds found in every cell in the body and every living cell actually are quite good for behavioral health! It gets more depleted as you get older but it's good to undeplete it for great weight control!
The following is not medical advice, I'm not an expert.. this post is for information and entertainment purposes only. I'm not selling anything here. This site is a sort of self portrait and for charitable purposes. While I do my best to improve this site I can't guarantee this post is 100% accurate or up to date. It's recommended that you see your health care professional before making any changes in lifestyle or exercise.
Science has found that eating calcium rich foods like milk cheese or yogurt or perhaps calcium antacid tablets cause you to lose more than 60% of body fat provided that you also are on a low-fat diet. Of course low-fat milk powder is a good way to go here but you still need a low-fat diet. Even so milk powder is a good deal for the value because you can get Swiss Miss milk powder for just $12 for like a month supply online. This is twice as cheap as Nido Nestles milk powder and unlike the this it's low fat.
The problem is, a lot of us don't find a low fat diet or fasting to be REAL appetizing or comfortable.
But I found a way to reduce fat without being hungry at all. The answer for calcium and thus weight loss may be putracine.
Putracine is a substance found in life science and discovered in the 1600s, and this may be how to make use of calcium's awesome weight loss value.
As you get older you lose more putricine and it's been found to have value for both increasing longevity and also has anti-cancer potential and is good for behavioral health. It's been said that the surest way to heaven is to constantly contemplate on what's beautiful and true.. None of these methods I'll discuss are "edgy" like some of the methods you see for other diets.
Putracine itself causes weight loss by removing old cells such as fat cells that aren't worth as much and also by making better use of the cells that remain.
But a main advantage of taking this with something like powdered milk every couple of days as I do, is that putracine and it's related chemical compounds act like fasting by its method of removing cells like fat cells but without food restriction or hunger!
No, a calorie is not a unit of heat to burn more heat by eating more! Summer heat wave events are best!
The advantage I learned about putracine is it may combine more effectively with calcium because it's essentially a low-fat diet when taking putracine, and this is where the fat busting power of calcium may be of real use.
I was never going to fast with calcium to try to lose weight also by reducing fat as they say about how to lose weight with calcium. Reducing fat in the diet can be really tough to do, fasting even more so.
But taking putracine doesn't make you hungry "as you're fasting". This is a huge, or lofat advantage!
As research has shown almost any way to lose weight where you're hungry is not going to succeed. After several rounds of the diet round over the years, I was in no way about to try this.
Putracine makes you feel good.. unlike a lot of fat burning edgy herbs.. You sleep better, and lose weight all night.
It also reduces you down only to your healthy weight and then beyond that you don't lose it anymore so you can't "overdo it".
Even so no more than 3 mg a day of putracine has been recommended by experts due how you build up tolerance otherwise and you lose the advantage.
I go to my nurse and I already lost 20 lb in 5 months without any kind of hunger I can even think of by using these methods! This is a once in a lifetime event for me, or soon twice!
This is far cheaper than drugs like Wegovy..And if you ever stop Wegovy, you put the weight back on in a year or so. I don't yet know if dairy as above with putracine is permanent, perhaps it even has this advantage also.
Even so here's "Why You May Want to Improve Calcium" Before you Use the Above Method of Calcium with Spermidine for Weight Control..
According to sites like the Weston Price site, most people have calcium problems before solving it with vitamin K2 and D3. If you have a toothache or brittle nails chances are good you have a calcium event. 50% have more severe toothache problems at any given time and I think of K2 and D3 as evolution's toothbrush. If our survival defense depended on being able to not have a toothache, evolution would have built this right into our fresh breath.. and about orthodontists it's been found that children who have strong bites to chew on they give their teeth some exercise makes it so their teeth come in perfectly every time.
You may want to solve your calcium issues before taking enough of it with the putracine to lose weight. Calcium events of this type can cause problems like a hip fracture, and it's fatal in 1/3 of seniors who break their hip.
Because 97% are vitamin K2 deficient and 57% are vitamin D3 deficient, calcium builds up in your circulation clogging your arteries and giving you problems like stroke and cardiovascular risk, arthritis with calcium in your joints and also renal issues etc. Also severe toothache which more than 50% have at any given time and libido issues are common with calcium because the calcium is taken out of the bones and moved to where you don't want it like decreasing circulation causing these health issues without K2 and D3, and it's not in your teeth or bones leading to problems like bone fracture and arthritis as you get older.
A healthy artery not clogged up with calcium has 80 times more K2 than an unhealthy artery..
Calcium also has problems (that can be resolved with K2 and D3 as I say) about the leading neurotransmitter in your brain, acetylcholine, this is the major neurotransmitter involved with staying alert. It's associated with high calcium levels in your circulation. According to the Weston Price site, eating foods like nightshades, potatoes tomatoes etc will tend to decrease K2's value and it goes to your brain like nerve gas. High calcium causes problems like hallucinations.
Since there a lot of countries that eat a lot of nightshades like chili peppers, it's been believed that the reason for the high violence rates in countries like Italy, Ireland, and Mexico are because of the high levels of nightshades found in the traditional dishes of these countries.
For all these reasons before taking calcium for weight loss, you probably would want to take K2 and D3 as I did, in order to reverse these calcium problems that most people have as they get older. These are not problems of aging as had been thought by the old and wise, established well to do people, like doctors! But rather only of calcium and the lack of K2 and D3.
THE BEST K2 And D3..
All K2 and D3 is not alike.
I searched for years to find the real K2 and D3. While there are a lot of foods that have some K2 it's often not the good kind, MK7, and synthetic K2 made from tobacco I consider to be a real poison.
First I tried foods like ghee butter which is recommended to have K2. But it's quite expensive has fat and it doesn't have nearly as much K2 as a food like natto. Tofu has just a bit of K2 compared to natto, it costs a lot and another problem with tofu is how it has phytoestrogens which are like female hormones, and this is not good for male libido.
(Tofu itself has other advantages, one is that soy boosts chemo like for cancer therapy by eight times. Since the majority of people will have cancer in their lifetime this might actually be of some value part of the time. As Hypocrates would say in ancient Greece (He's in good health here in 2024 with healthy oils and Grease) eat a lot of foods in moderation. Low levels of tofu may not be expensive and may not have as much of this problem.)
Natto which is fermented soy is the opposite of poison junk food soy according to Weston Price.. Natto is an exceptional food, it has 90% more of the good K2 than any other food. Natto also doesn't have hormone problems like tofu, and unlike ghee butter it's lowfat.
First I tried powdered natto from Amazon but I went through it pretty fast and it didn't seem to have much change, perhaps this may have been because it's fast fermented in order for the chinese company making it to save some fen.
After ghee, tofu, and this fast fermented soy powder, I decided to try the real natto beans from Amazon and a business called New York Natto.
I had read that they were somewhat of a bad odor or flavor when you eat it but I just decided to put in my 70 to see if there were any results!
And what I found was that the beans got real rancid and just like 3 weeks, so bad I could not possibly eat it. Bad flavor, one of the worst flavors I ever saw!
Onward in my search pressing to the mark and hopes of finding what in the world, whatever it was! I'm so real in conversation, I always have a surprise when I read the A-Z of my audios!
Finally I looked at the powdered natto online and I found a business in South Korea making natto fermented soy powder like this, for about $70.
One question I would ask about the fast fermented soy was how do I know what I'm paying for?
So I figured if I pay more what I get might finally or eventually be the real natto.
One thing about real soy powder like this is if you buy a couple pounds of it like this from the Tapgol Farms, The South Korean business I bought it from online, you're guaranteed to have a lifetime supply of real natto.
This is because you only need a small pinch everyday to get the dose since there's so much K2 in it.
One good thing is that you can't really overdose on K2 though it's not recommended that you take too much because it can cause blood clotting issues especially if you take it with blood thinners.
(Blood thinners are not all bad because people who take them were 50% more likely to survive COVID.)
In any event when I bought my real natto powder from the South Korean business Tapgol farms, this pretty much settled the issue also about improving odor and flavor because powder if you keep in the refrigerator I assume will just keep indefinitely for years and years at least and the flavor is good. I've already had mine for about the same $60 as New York natto or tofu but instead of going rancid in 3 weeks or with rather tiring flavor or much so in a few months like tofu it's lasted a year with no sign of going rancid in sight.
Be careful about mold though you can't really use vinegar with it as usual, this might damage it. Instead I use baking soda which will dry it out for long-term storage. Another way to remove mold in about 5 minutes is sunlight outdoors on an 80° day.
I also want to talk about vitamin D3 which as I say 57% are deficient.
I don't recommend synthetic vitamin D3, I think it's poison also.
You want to take some fat with your vitamin D3 and your natto so it absorbs the K2 well which then counteracts the calcium problem like toothache most have.
Instead of synthetic vitamin D3 I highly recommend simply canned salmon in moderation.
This might seem to be with high cholesterol but actually it's good for fat profile because it has omega 3-6-9. The fat makes you absorb more K2.
The milk powder itself might seem to be good for vitamin A and D3 but this is only if you eat it with the K2 because the old slogan "Milk it Does a Body Good" has turned out not to be true about bone density at any rate.
A major thing about canned salmon, Is about how it has a days dose of vitamin D3 actually 127% or so. It also has vitamin A which helps boost the absorption of the K2 and the D3. And of course you want to eat from the milk and meat food group each day and so you wouldn't just eat one food for your vitamins, you would also eat the powdered milk for the calcium.. Yeah! right!
Certainly it's good for me to lose weight and lower my blood pressure to moderation by taking calcium with putracine as I say above.
Even so you may first want to consider how to put your defense in place about making sure that you don't have calcium problems because if you take a lot of calcium it may really cause harm to your blood pressure and these other issues about your health as mentioned by Weston Price.
I consider toothache relief to probably be a reliable measure of how much K2 you're getting and how your calcium levels are..
While it won't bring you back your older teeth if you've lost them as most have, it can remineralize your teeth and almost completely stop the progression of the toothache. If you're younger this may be much cheaper than the dentist.
If you've already lost some of your teeth as most seniors there may be hope here of redemption of your gumption
Recent research has seemed to show that everyone actually has had three sets of teeth and this has been found with like a mouse event in the lab and so they're trying to inject a safe osteoporosis drug into the gum of the people who've lost their teeth and supposedly this will make another set of teeth grow back and they've got a second chance!
While this may be only theoretical for the time being it seems possible that as they were studying alligator teeth before when they grew back their teeth so we can grow back ours, our smile is much improved more than snaggletooths in a swamp in Georgia!
K2 like in natto is also dramatically good for reducing the risk of Alzheimer's. 50% of 80-year-old seniors have Alzheimer's and in countries like Japan where they eat a lot of soy the Alzheimer's risk is down by 90%.
Of course about toothache while I recommend that you see a professional about this, certainly a good sign will be that your toothache completely stops and you stop the progression of the dental events.
This might take you 6 months to a year of taking K2 like natto as above perhaps with the D3.. this and perhaps like a publicity by dentists may be why most people are unaware of this connection between K2 and toothache.. also, if your libido is improving and you find your blood pressure is being reduced and you know this perhaps by a test like coronary artery calcium for your heart CAC, your doctor can do, this is another possible way to know what your calcium level might be. Another sign of improved calcium is about healthier nonbrittle nails. These would all be signs you're now ready to start losing a lot of weight easily both with putracine and calcium as above. (You may want to get started losing weight right away while you're changing your calcium, see below for how to do this.)
These cautions about calcium may not apply to people who are younger and want to lose weight.
Even so most people by age 50 have coronary arteries that are narrowed by 50%.
Tomorrow always gets here sooner than you think and while young people can seem to eat a lot of products with calcium like dairy products without issue, 90% of seniors will have high blood pressure so it's good to proceed with caution.
Note also that if you have high blood pressure losing weight is a great way to do this..
While a few of the posts of my site are about CFS this post itself isn't for those with CFS because it will lower blood pressure. Actually once you raise your CFS low blood pressure to moderation this page may really be of value to you if you, to also keep your blood pressure from going too high once you've got your CFS removed.. You can balance between high and low blood pressure by alternate use of these methods perhaps a day or two on and a day or two off to minimize the diet stress and the result may be that you have neither CFS or long COVID that acts like CFS nor high blood pressure while losing weight and much greater comfort than CFS.
In general it's best for anyone to lose the weight gradually to not lose muscle. This can be a hazard even with "cured" CFS since muscles also have sphincter muscles that control the blood pressure in capillary beds.
If you ever wondered how a simple method like an OTC can change blood pressure a lot, this isn't caused by control of every single blood vessel but just by the sphincter muscles. This is why exercise in moderation is good for orthostasis, low blood pressure when you stand up which a lot of the seniors have and also exercise may be good for long covid and CFS because your exercising these sphincter muscles which may keep blood pressure for going down like when people with CFS stand up in the heat like in a store.
This is also how fast weight loss can either worsen CFS, even my own cured CFS or anyone else is more at risk of CFS by dieting. You want lose the fat not the muscle by moderate weight control..
CLICK HERE here or see the same link at the bottom of the page if you like for my site about how I raised my blood pressure to moderation about CFS by eating comfort foods and a couple of other simple methods.
Steps you can take to lose weight while you're waiting for your toothache to stop and your calcium to be more improved.
There's more however while you weight so you can take action and thin out!
Watermelon with citrulline has been shown to reduce a third of body fat in laboratory mice given a high fat diet, also reducing both bad cholesterol and plaque in the arteries by 50%.
I can't recommend eating watermelon powder which is compressed watermelon because it's sort of like an ultra processed food and eating real watermelon is often superior to eating watermelon on the half shell!
Something else you can do about fat reduction is fenugreek. This is the distinctive flavor of butterscotch the Halloween or hollerday treat!
It's been recommended that we think of sugar as fat. Every time you eat sugar you're jolting your triglycerides in a major sort of way. The immune system doesn't recover for 5 hours after sugar.
Fenugreek has been found to improve blood sugar issues which 50% now have. Supposedly it cures blood sugar issues in at least some laboratory mice.
I started out with fenugreek years ago and I found I couldn't take it because it was like woozy.
So I discontinued this path of research.
Even so as my blood sugar events continued (80% of seniors will have blood sugar problems and 90% will have high blood pressure) I was in R&D mode.
It's recommended that you never take fenugreek on an empty stomach.
And I was taking it before I ate sugar.
Finally I found it if I take it after I eat a large meal or a sugar it dramatically reversed my blood sugar zonk.
While fenugreek is also more about sugar It doesn't stop the absorption of vitamins or prescriptions as much.
My triglycerides seemed high even while it wasn't showing up about having blood sugar on my blood sugar test because I presumably have low blood sugar which takes an all day marathon with the doctor even to prove I had it with the IV compared to high blood sugar.
Fenugreek is considered to be good for reducing high triglycerides, and weight loss.
One good thing about it is you take it after you eat sugar not before so you don't have to be prepared ahead of time.. I found it difficult to remember to take herbs for reducing blood sugar before I took the sugar, but mostly nothing ever worked before I took fenugreek, no other method worked as well.
Another possible way to defend against sugar issues is by way of the method of the duodenal sleeve. 50% now have blood sugar issues and the duodenal sleeve operation has been approved by the American Diabetes Association to cure 87% of type 2 blood sugar issues.
The duodenal sleeve is a cheap operation that takes 10 minutes and it's a small tube they put in the area between the stomach and the lower GI the duodenum. This profoundly changes the chemical signal between the duodenum and the pancreas..
The problem is for sugar control while presumably, safe the duodenal sleeve operation often will cost 10,000. If you're taking a prescription that's unsafe for you about your blood sugar as 2/3 of seniors are you may want to keep the prescription from giving you low blood sugar which doctors will often ignore.
I had this prescription that was doing this and each night I would get really sleepy before I would wake back up and then go to sleep again and sugar would just zonk me out.. I thought of making my own sort of enteric coated caps like by buying empty pill caps I'm putting my prescription tabs inside of these but they were too large and I even also tried making cloth pouches to put my prescription tablets in but this was tough to swallow.
I also thought of trying to take fiber like first celery before my prescription or ground up bean powder but these are both quite expensive and inconvenient..
Finally I thought of the idea of taking Mastic Gum which is sort of like chewing gum but it's wondrous for duodenal and stomach health..
Why you want to see your doctor before doing this for blood sugar it might not hurt because of the duodenal connection as in the article by Discover (science) Magazine a few years ago..
In essence this might seem to be a way to have your own enteric coated prescription even without using pill caps or other methods like this, at least as far as shielding your duodenum and your stomach might go.
Of course this might also limit the absorption of your prescription at least into your duodenal wall but this may not even count that much and of course continuing to take the gum at other times of day might be just as good for it for the long-term value of your duodenal health and my research is continuing..
I combine these methods including eating powdered milk with a padlock timer and put the powder milk in the duffel so I don't overdo it because I love the flavor powdered milk. You can get these timers on Amazon for about $10.
Another way to multiply your boost to lose may be about MCT oil particularly tricaprin, according to the University of Osaka Japan this doesn't just slow down cardiovascular loss it actually reverses heart disease.
Even better, it's a great metabolic/cognitive fitness booster and like the other methods it's without edginess or stress much of any kind I was aware of.. and this also can help with weight control.
One other great thing about MCT oil like this is that it is dramatically antibacterial.
As I mentioned above supplementing with natto for K2 taken with D3 like salmon can mostly reverse the progression of toothache but also since MCT oil is super strong as an antibacterial, and this method didn't completely stop the progression of my toothache, I found that sloshing the MCT oil around my mouth before I swallow it was a way to completely stop the progression of the toothache even more..
This reminds me of oil pulling which is thought of by many people as just alternative medicine hype. This is where supposedly you'd wash some kind of healthy oil around your mouth and it would help your toothache. I tried this years before when like most my toothache was hurting and it seemed it "didn't help a bite!"
Another great way to dramatically improve toothache I found before this is turmeric on your teeth in between your teeth and your toothbrush, so more often it's a teethbrush!
Tumeric itself was so dramatically good for my toothache that I used it for years also with a water floss before I improved the toothache with natto. Turmeric is not recommended for long-term use but you only have to use it like once a month for long-term results.
Certainly I would say that reversing your calcium levels first is more effective to get you in the general area, but this type of oil pulling with MCT oil as far as I can tell so far actually does work, as an additional method after I had improved with the other methods..
I combined these methods with exercise like walking to lose weight. I used an app like Google fit to track steps so I can know how much I'm walking so I don't do too much or too little. Too much walking may cause stress and make you gain weight, too little and you may not lose as much.
The old expression "wet your appetite" turns out to be dried with doubt! Studies have found that exercise actually reduces appetite.
Remember to exercise in ways that you can stay with. Each has his own best exercise method. For instance while I found I can't lift heavy weights fast, I can walk 5 to 10 miles a day mostly in comfort. Walking this much causes the same cardio adjustments as heavy exercise without a heart attack! Improved, what was the old stuff they were selling?
Basically I combined these methods to lose 20 lb in about 5 months (4 lbs a month) and not once was I hungry or even knew that I was doing it.
In this case I found myself with flavor but without as much appetite so I started searching for appetite by eating some more and I didn't know why.
To me this seems about like how we measure our world by the emotional feeling we have about eating.. I want to hug the world!
In a way our appetite is an important way of interacting with our life and connecting with the world of nature and I think we need these kinds of stress and relaxation loops of appetite and eating comfort. This may sort of be like circadian rhythms and I would assume they're related.
So for this reason after my first five months of weight control I decided to take a couple weeks off as herbalists recommend.. Often when you're exercising you should take like one week off each 6 weeks if you're taking a herb you discontinue like every month or two so your body can reset and you cleanse out the herb. And back to more weight loss like in loops.
Note that while these are good methods to reduce your appetite and lose weight you can actually overdo it and this can make it so you'll gain more weight back. The trick is to lose calories in moderation each day with exercise and sensible diet. There's not much stress involved. Just keep it in the general area and you're more probable to lose the weight.
So this is the synopsis;
First like salmon and natto powder to reverse calcium problems that you'll know you have if you have a toothache mostly or high blood pressure etc. Once you've stopped the progression of your toothache, which is one way to know that your calcium is normal then you could go ahead and take the putracine with powdered milk perhaps timing it out every two or three days as I do with the timer padlock.
These methods seem safer because of the calcium influence.. also combined with the other methods like exercise, watermelon and MCT oil may this have strong influence on your weight control and lowering your blood pressure if you want.
Doctors and Care
"The strongest tree in the forest is not the one that's around the other trees and shielded in the forest but the one who's out in the open who gets the strongest when in the wind rain and lightning."
As with the method of controlling my CFS much better by raising my blood pressure to moderation with comfort foods, and while this method of reducing overweight with calcium and spermidine I discovered just by luck, both may have value for millions of people to lose weight in general and for also the millions of people with the CFS type of Covid.
Keep in mind that these are not medical results and I'm doing the research on my own.. You must decide for yourself If these herbs and methods are best for you.
You'll notice however that the herbs and methods I use seem to be safe. Calcium is safe as at least by way of the Weston Price site's method, putracine seems safe because it's in every cell in your body and it's been researched for hundreds of years K2 and D3 seem safe because they've been there for millions of years.
If all these methods really do seem safe it may be because I've been through hundreds of methods in my common research about CFS in herbs as so many with CFS do..
I removed the herbs that were unsafe or uncomfortable in my search and what's left are natural safe methods of solving problems like overweight..
St Augustine said that, "we value both those who disagree with us and agree with us, because both of labored in their search for truth and helping us find it."
Most doctors knew about calcium causing weight loss with fasting but nobody may have found about combining it with spermidine, since nobody can do fasting.
Fewer yet may have realized that calcium may have problems that first may need to be solved, even if they also knew about fasting as a way of losing weight with calcium.
But if I was only depending on doctors like with Wegovy or for a heart operation I might never have found these methods for you.
Henry Ford, said "Exercise is bunk. If you're healthy you don't need it and if you're ill you shouldn't take it."
And on goes another exercise genius outrunning the ER van!
CLICK HERE for my post about how I reduced my CFS by raising my blood pressure by eating comfort foods and by other methods like Avemar the super strong immune boosting herb that has a toxicological profile like bread..
Since Avemar is expensive now at least $130 a month (the cost has gone up but it never was low) I'll show you how to make your own (much like making sourdough bread) Click Here.. for making your own Avemar bread, tips and tricks..
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