Please Read And Understand My Disclaimer. You Use This Site at Your Own Risk. Always Consult A Professional Before Making Any Changes In Diet Or Lifestyle
100% of People With CFS (PWC'S) show dramatic improvement with the Amazon herb Una De Gato (UDG.) (From the Herbs for Lyme site).
Activive improves 97% of the symptoms of CFS, first I want to discuss Una De Gato, more on this page about Activive in a bit.
Note that this is an archival page, Activive and or Avemar have cured my CFS. Even so for those E.G. who might not be able to take Avemar as in because of cost, UDG, Una De gato may be a third option for CFS. But in addition to what I say here, I add one real important improvement to this about UDG, and that is about withiana. Neural discomforts even with extremely low doses of UDG were common for me. It caused edginess, renal/UT discomfort, and weight augment no not luxury size, celebration sized! Withiana is a real good cheap appetite suppressant. Withiana is defined as an adaptogenic which means it help your body many ways without causing harm. If you are tired with CFS while the withiana may calm you (it reduces cortisol the stress hormone that chews up muscle after exercise, etc.) I gained 20 pounds with UDG, and then lost the same 20 with withiana. Even if soothing, the withiana is strongly neuroprotective. (Click Here or see link at end of page). Withiana is a stress relief herb, and UDG gives more than enough energy to counteract it, so you won't be tired if you also opt in for Una de Gato. Of course all this on all my sites is only for use to augment your health care provider's advice and care, not as a substitute.
Instead of my neural health being stressed for me at any rate, and this is only my own situation and may not be of worth to you, Una De Gato/withiana gives me more on the energy/cheer area of the world. While UDG is considered safe, as on webmd, other sites say UDG is a CNS toxin, and this is where withiana seems of real value. If you opt in for UDG, you may want to take 400mg of withiana AM and PM with the Una de Gato as I do to counteract the neural symptom otherwise like mild depression common when the dose is increased. UDG causes insomnia while you adjust, and this improves more with constant dose (Changing dose too much is considered to be unsafe) and for adjustment edginess for me at any rate passionflower seems to be a good adjustment method for short term use. Passionflower is a herb that acts like benzodiazapine but it isn't habit forming or with much in terms of side effects. And it counteracts restless legs well, a problem millions of americans have. Click here for the Webmd monograph about passionflower, or see link below. I've found passionflower highly valuable for not only restless legs, but also CFS leg discomfort that's sometimes left even with the anti CFS methods I describe on this site. Whith legs a bit uncomfortable, this may interfere with cognative events with CFS and like for holidays and visits it really relaxes my thoughts for more celebration and wit when I put some moist passionflower on my legs before the visit. Passionflower acts as a cool supermuscle relaxant and some sites say it's perfect for shutting down the insomnia talk show millions have, I may remember if I have insomnesia or amsomnia! At any rate this has worked quite well in more alert memos for me if used with the other strong antiCFS methods I speak of here. I've found it highly useful for general cheer, and it's also quite useful to relax with if used like this on my legs when I'm adjusting to e.g. UDG changes in level either by accident of for general changes. While I don't know if it is of worth for PWC's with lower blood pressue as in more severe CFS, I've had no discomfort with it after several years. It's cheap and I've never had any problems with passionflowerer, even so I don't take it all the time since combined with some other herbs or methods e.g. flax oil it can cause severe low blood sugar and wooziness after sugar, and it changes hormones a bit to the minus. This isn't a complete list of side effects or cautions for passionflower, Una de Gato, or Avemar or any of the other herbs or method I describe on the site and is for information only.
note; I was of the belief that the Herbs For Lyme site was promoting Una De Gato as of real value for CFS. Then based on my own dramatic positive experience I was having, I was planning to return and link to that site for this site; alack I couldn't find it, so here's a nutramedix site that cites research being done with Una De Gato. It's been said that life is possible without being wild, even so it's of worth if I'm aware of not being a clumsy Santa, or a Santa Klutz. Or if I were a Klutz gone wild would I be a Schmuck Amuck, right!
I'm using a much lower level of Una De Gato than is recommended, and with some special safety measures.
I write this site because I've had CFS and because I really care. If a bit of research about a 20 dollar herb saves even one person from the pain of CFS, and I don't have CFS in 2018, the cure is real and, I would give a lot indeed if anyone with CFS had anything anywhere near what I hope at any rate to offer to those with CFS in the information you may find here. The herbs like Una De Gato may not be perfect and with some risk, I don't know how much but they seem to be far improved from a life of constant severe pain each day that seemed the outlook for being unaware of some herbs or options that are indeed well cited like Avemar or Activive.. Looks aren't the deeper way yet a vision is also a world of light in another sense. "Jesus and Mamma always loved me, this I know", so the song goes, and Mamma burped me with solid gold sounds!
Since most will get cancer, I'm taking Avemar and UDG like withiana at low dose may add some defense since both are also strongly anticancer. It's a powerful energizer for CFS. Even so you may be able to cure your CFS with Avemar, as I detail on this link, or see link at end of page. Neither UDG or passionflower are recommended for pregnancy.
For more about Withiana and UDG here's my site about vis a vis, while this is an anticancer site it's much about UDG and withiana. If cancer is probably in your future like most, why not cure both is what I hope to do, I have about CFS why stop in the marathon, I'm in the memo marathon! See also at end of post for the site if you see booze you're all lit up!
All Cat's Claw is not equal. One problem with TOA for me at any rate was edginess even at constant dose, like moderate depression without being hyper or tired. So I went on to try POA UDG, the kind recommended to be without this edginess (or e.g. weight gain. This won't happen for me next time, I highly recommend the Timer Box it has a lock to eliminate any extra eating even if stress related. Click here for more and where to buy, Where is Amazon the Washington rain forest of USA. Or see link at end of this post.). POA is considered "good" UDG and it's patented. Even so even with even dose, and though reduced from the TOA (I DON'T favor TOA) there was a sort of common lack of cheer, not even noticable at first glance, I didn't even notice after a few weeks or months, even so a definite lack of motivation, and as a comic I noticed decreased creativity here, my greater inspiration like for science or inventions seemed reduced, and so on. This was with the liquid POA, with the dropper you measure out each AM and PM.
Finally I had some capsule POA also by Nutramedix on hand, due to using the UDG needed to boost my immunity ect for the strong anticancer power of POA UDG (it's stronger than chemotherapy but with fewer side effects). Two out of three will get cancer, so chances are cancer is in your future, and like Avemar (see link below at end of page) UDG is both strongly anti CFS and anti cancer! Even so only low doses are of worth for any use with withiana due to the neural symptoms without the low dose and the withiana. Bad news for cancer is that Avemar is safer and stronger (What bad news?). But for CFS the news is much better for me at any rate since it's real powerful for CFS even at the lower dose I've used..
Days I might miss the dose time of the UDG are rare because I use two loud alarms, one for general changing gears for what's going on and then the second to zero in on the right hour second month and fuzzy sharp resolution. For other herbs I go general by the loud alarm, then by the atomic clock time of my cell phone for the other herb. This way if the power goes out, about half my herbs are constant, not all of them are edgy. Another way to do this is to take low doses when you might be a bit tired with the withiana, though I don't know if this is best since a constant dose is recommended by some, even so this may be for a much higher dose as some say is another event.
I make no promises here to the long term safety of Una De Gato, while it seems to show few signs of toxicity for a few weeks or months use, side effects beyond this is as yet unknown to science; if you opt to take even low doses of POA or TOA for your CFS I certainly advise you to keep watch on new research about UDG, and you may want to read many monographs (like encyclopedias used to be, articles of peers to cohorts in their fields, or times of the more common uncommon sense of the internet). This is only a partial list of side effects for Una De Gato and is in no way intended to be used instead of care by a qualified health professional. Perhaps Activive is better overall than UDG, The decision is yours.
UDG dosing
I take far less than the recommended dose of UDG for my CFS solution, more is toxic to neural health, and this lower dose works quite well for CFS, higher doses might be of worth for like cancer or Lyme disease since it's more powerful than chemotherapy and less toxic and it also builds the immune boost of the boom box of March in the arena. UDG at higher doses is a CNS toxin, so while it may be of no worth for cancer at high doses, safer more powerful alternatives may be available e.g. for cancer like the Nobel Prize winning Avemar, a powdered beer brew, that's even more powerful but without the neural toxicity at higher doses (Link below). For CFS, safer less toxic doses of UDG with Sensoril or cheaper withiania as below may be of most value, at any rate if no new research finds any harm in Una De Gato..
One problem with Samento POA Cat's Claw (Una De Gato) is that if you dissolve it in liquid it settles to the base of the jug (not a jug band!) and since UDG needs a constant dose for safety and most comfort, shake well before each use. I use 1/4 cap in an 8 oz snap top bottle with the water and ashwaganda AM/PM.. You may want to adjust to fit your CFS level.
There was a lot of sulphur odor in the bottle even if I changed the jug, so a good preservative for food seems to be Cayenne with Olive Leaf. Other food preservatives I've heard of on the web like thyme or Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) seem to have problems. E.g. thyme is addictive and has symptoms like alcohol with long term use, and Grapefruit Seed Extracts has problems with the P450 liver pathway that's the main way prescription drugs are metabolized in the body. It's not for long term use, what a preservative this must make!
Olive Leaf and Cayenne while with some Cayenne flavor, are not that bad for a herb preservative of this type compared to the alternative, strong bacterial odor in a bottle so you have to make a bottle in 8 days, and they are strongly antibacterial, so are probably safer than bacteria , thyme, or GSE.
20 years of Activive would cost like 2,000$ and if the Activive company ever went out of business, (which isn't uncommon in business) if you haven't bought a lifetime supply of Activive, for PWC's UDG might be a real world away from no CFS defense. In addition not only is the dose of UDG I use extremely small, you can take it anytime without the annoying but noticable stress I noticed while adjusting that can last all day with Activive if I missed it by an hour. Even better as I say on the link at the end of this page, Avemar, the super immune boosting Nobel Prize winning powdered beer brew may be a CFS cure! Avemar helps my CFS so much I've discontinued Activive, and also am taking small small doses of UDG in a few days at at time for extra energy like to always keep my house clean for my site manager/landlord, and etc, like exercise. I super sympathisize with sites that say People With CFS (PWC's are better off graduating their exercise to maximize and also minimize pain; I have no pain and plenty of time to exercise. Activive was a great boost, and Avemar is even better and better yet with a bit of UDG some days (too often, and the UDG is neurotoxic).
Today I was pouring a jug of UDG and adjusting to a smaller jug with an improved lid, and I spilled some. This can be stressful, since changes in UDG are considered to be not advised! To not spill, I put the dissolved POA in a mustard snap top jug and just use a constant level amount just on the tip of my finger from the snap to lid. The most I could spill is much smaller. Even so I've spilled it more than once like pouring in the bottle, and since this can be stressful or harmful, there are two ways to lmost completely counteract this, one is lemon juice right where you spill it in OHIO, right! UDG has alkaloids called tannins that are toxins, and you see on some woodworker sites that tannins are easily removed with lemon juice.
The second method is clay and water soaked overnight in the jug makes the clay a much supercheaper toxin sponge. Apply it to your torso and take some by mouth and also where you may have spilled the UDG. This shields your liver and kidneys well from the spill. I used both clay and lemon juice together for almost 0 toxicity symptoms with a spill of UDG today.
You won't need a high dose of UDG for CFS, it's real powerful. This allows much reduced (almost NO) neural symptoms yet enough energy, I have found. And the low dose if used with ashwaganda (withiana) also means it has reduced harm of like change of your UDG like if I miss a dose. If the relative level to 0 is not much change you won't have a horrible adjustment time like with some herbs if you decide to change your dose. To stop all UDG if you want you can might use lemon juice with more ashwaganda for awhile like a day or so and it's gone.
For some leg edginess remaining which is common for CFS like restless leg syndrome, I use passionflower, a cheap CNS soother that acts like benzodiazipine but isn't addictive and is great for insomnia also. Passionflower on your legs is a real soother and it speeds up cognition with CFS, and it's considered good for emotional health. I've never had any problems or issues with passionflower with several years of use a few times a week, even so the information on this site is not medical advice, and is for use only under a doctor's care.
Being able to both reduce toxicity of the change in dose and the low dose combined make it feasible to take more of the low dose anytime of the day you might be a bit more tired without edginess or stress you may find at higher doses. While UDG at low dose with withiana and these methods seems valuable for CFS, it's not of worth for cancer since it has neural symptoms at the dose needed to much counteract cancer. Better for cancer may be Avemar, the nobel prize related super immune booster which kills cancer, and I believe it's what's almost cured my CFS as I say Here, or see link below.
With Sensoril withiana at low dose my experience of two years with UDG told me to tell you that due to neural issues, you may want to take UDG at extremely low doses like the above if at all. The Sensoril might give you a better long term result than I had but this I can't say. One thing is definite; Una De Gato is a wild herb from the rain forest, based on luck in its profile while Activive is a defense made by professionals for PWC's that definitely works probably with a higher safety level than Una De Gato. For the cost, Una De Gato is the winner no doubt. But Activive works for 97% of the CFS as they advertise with Hello Life. And at the recommended dose of Activive this is 35$ no more than the cost of cheap High Speed internet or TV, aren't you worth this much, you're worth more than TV!! Even so and while I've taken Activive continually for 6 years
with great CFS symptoms improved, they say on the bottle it's only for short term use. This seems only a legal ruse to bail out if it fails. Another disclaimer won't descend unceremoniously to the Comic Afterlife! As with so much of CFS you can't say exactly what you're getting with UDG or Activive, with food, same business. I can say that Activive and UDG/withiana are both just great compared to CFS or all the doom and gloom about it you see on many websites as far as I can say, they work quite well indeed especially together even with a tiny dose of UDG as above. But overall value may not be as good, and while the only problem I've ever had with Activive was about stress that day if I miss the dose, and the main problem with UDG was neural, Sensoril helped this a lot and I can say what to be cautious about in hopes of the best defense by this warning. .
Anyone with neural symptoms with UDG or others involved with e.g. blood sugar issues or chemotherapy may find value in the herb withiana. It's neuroprotective of 87 percent of stressed neurons in research, and this much seems to help UDG in the lower doses I've for CFS, At higher UDG doses however the power of withiana for this isn't so viable unless you take more withiana, up to the level recommended by the Jug Nurse! For CFS it may be more ideal, I use Sensoril an improved form of withiana which doesn't cause drowsiness just as withiana doesn't cause drowsiness, see it's already making me aware! Sensoril not only protects neurons it builds neurons fast of worth so I learn more! Withiana is a sort of ginseng, as in adaptogenic, defined as "a herb or compound that changes the body in may valuable ways itself not causing harm". For where I buy Sensoril Click Here or see link at the end of the post. One thing about UDG edginess is it's like insomnia without withiana, yet Sensoril withiana is advertised to be without drowsiness. Yet the cheaper unpatented withiana that's not Sensoril also causes drowsiness, so I love the cheap withiana with Una De Gato since the UDG gives lots of energy, too much energy it seems, yet the withiana both stopped the neural issues and also is soothing in an alert and comfortable way for me, vastly better than CFS was.
The other main problem I was having with UDG was renal discomfort, having to use the restroom at night, this may have been caused by other herbs at any rate ginger and chromium AM and PM shield the lower UT and this is because the liver is upstream of the UT and ginger and chromium are good for the liver. And this combined with the common dose of Sensoril or the cheaper Sensoril "withiana" I consider to be much better value than an extract gimmick like canned food compared to real hotdish at feista, AM PM helped improve the problem a lot.
Weight gain is also common in lab research with Una De Gato, I attribute this to the neural discomforts of UDG, and low dose with the Sensoril helps this also to stop. Google Maps is spam in rewind!
Another way to reduce eating discomforts is to buy a Timer Box from Amazon. The Kitchen Timer Safe is proven in research to improve good habits it will make your cookies safe from that cookie thief who seems in the mirror to be overweight and yet the reflection makes us lighter! CLICK HERE or see link below for where to buy.
Ginger and chromium also help here since they boost your liver 10 ways, and this makes it easier to process foods or herbs. Ginger also relaxes your body 8 ways, and is a natural muscle relaxant. Keep in mind that this is only what has worked for me, I'm not a sales rep, what does a CEO of VISA do for celebration, all day charges up his aurora. My heat makes a good Christmas coat heater, powered by me!
If POA sounds a bit stressful for you even so you might like Activive even better. I suspect as they say at Hello Life the ActivivLIFE business, it controls 97 % of the CFS problem with no side effects. Most may have a "complete recovery" with Activive. I have taken UDG because of slowed mitochondria, the cell powerhouses that may be central both to CFS and cancer, so I had to find another way to improve both . For most Activive alone might be more than enough except for inflammations. Activive alone for me was like night and day, not months to wait for relief like some CFS solutions offered.
I, like 2/3 of the population have cancer, I got it from progesterone, originally promised to be a CFS solution, it was only about 2/3 improved, and Promoted by You guessed it right Prevention magazine, and famous doctors like Earl Mendell. All the top progesterone sites promoted it till about a year and 50 posts down I found an honest christian site that was telling the truth. While I'm not christian, I know a lot of them are good people, so I remember them for this, OUR AD HERE!
Keep in mind that these are partial links, there may be side effects or interactions we don't know about. See your doctor before making any changes in diet or exercise, I saw the memoexercise show!
Finally, I want to say that Avemar, the super nobel prize winning bread brew may be even better than
Una De Gato, or Activive for CFS. Avemar goes way down deep to remove the HHV6 herpes virus that's believed to cause CFS. Avemar is advertised to completely repair even a severely damaged immune system. Even so Avemar is not cheap, but you may be able to make your own Avemar bread much cheaper, and for why this may be a CURE for CFS see the (Avemar) link below for the site and recipe.
Note that as you are cured perhaps by the Avemar, your blood pressure will rise and you don't want it to rise too much, so it's important to have your blood pressure monitored by a professional.
Green tea essential oil is also great for emotional health. It relaxes the heart in 10 minutes, is strongly anticancer and reduces risk of death by heart attack by 50%.
Withiana is also a booster for male libido, and if you have prostatitis, you may like rye flour, it gives permanent or long lasting improvements, it starts right away unlike saw palmetto, and is cheap and balances hormones well and fast. This is of worth with pomegranate essential oil as I say above.
While it says on the link low blood pressureis an issue, this is definitely not a caution for me by the Herbs for Lyme site since it resolves 100% of CFS, yes low blood presssure is solved by Una de Gato..
TART CHERRY (which reduces post exercise discomfort 80%, My Site.) And more about Una De Gato and Activive on the link. Note that Tart Cherry Doesn't go with Una De Gato since both cause strain on kidney well being and health. While this may be of no value to you, in my particular example, I use either Activive with UDG or Activive with Tart Cherry, but never Activive with both UDG and Tart Cherry. I NO LONGER USE TART CHERRY SINCE AVEMAR/UDG low dose as I say above in more powerful, and tart cherry has renal toxicity even if it's name seems sweet or sour, you would say.
More about/where to buy the Timer Box.
I'm buying a more expensive one that's programmable and only opens once a month to save money without temptation. The Kitchen Timer only times a 9 day maximum. Even so it can dramatically change eating behavior. And I just put my cheeze/mouse in the machine and it reduces eye strain a lot. Overuse damage by computers is the highest rising occupational harm. Another good way to save my weight is to just stop using salt, this makes the fat foods not so tempting. To counteract sugar I use chitin which dramatically changes blood sugar markers in positive ways, I strongly suspect this is one reason why so many people find CFS unpredictable because of the blood sugar peaks and crashes, UDG and Activive help A LOT but there were a few woozy time that chitin, a seashell derived super fat and grease absorber used in industry also that this helped more yet. Chitin has problems about vitamins like A E C and K and D not being absorbed as well as omega, so they recommend to take these 4 or 5 hours after chitin.
Dental problems are common with CFS because of reduced dental immune system and blood sugar issues, so I found some ways to dramatically boost anyone's dental health prognosis, Click here for my results from 10 years of R and D; cheap powerful simple mechanical and chemical ways to stop the dental issues fast.
Una De Gato Amazon Page For POA powder I use without neural symptoms as above divided to about 1/3 cap to save money, etc.
Withiana and its power to reduce neural toxicity Monograph Site.
UDG Withiana More About (My Anti Cancer Site)
Passionflower Info Monograph Webmd
Sensoril Swanson Health Site, I like simple withiana best with UDG since it causes soothing calmness, yet the great energy of UDG shines through...
Avemar, A CFS cure?
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