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Saturday, February 2, 2019

How I Lost 30 pounds in 3 Years...

"If You Lose It Too Fast You'll Refind It and Your Risk of Dying and other Problems Is Increased"

 (This is not Medical Advice.. See your Doctor before making any changes in diet exercise or lifestyle.. Complete "and SemiComical" Disclaimer)

This is PART ONE/ Flavor Control

To lose weight I've gone on what I call a "flavor control diet". Our food is a sea of flavor, yet in evolution this was uncommon, so I consider too much flavor like a luxury of the rich, not an essential luxury...

To me life isn't about comfort, it's about strength and goodness, I believe I must earn my neighbor's love. It's not surprising that it's of worth to reduce flavor to be strong about food, fitness was our way of life each day in evolution for millions of years.

Have you seen the research where they found if a box of crunchies or cereal is on the kitchen shelf the research finds18 pounds more weight on average and yet if more healthy foods are on the shelf they were a few pounds lighter, uphill both ways! Right, I believe this is the real reason why healthy food helps you lose weight, it has reduced flavor...and not just the reduced calories.

 So I started eating lots of healthy powders like grain, powdered kale, brewer's yeast (most people say they love the flavor (of Solgar brand at any rate, it tastes somewhat like salt yet has no salt), garbanzo flour, vegetable powder, powdered milk, and juice concentrates and so on and blending them right in the jug., no cooking, no spoon, no dishes, no refrigeration low fat, salt, cholesterol, no chemical poisons, great for general health!...no sugar except the sweetener lo han (read on for more).

This reduces the flavor to a "real" level like in evolution where you are in control. Too much flavor like love without truth can cause harm. Yet too much reduced flavor has ruined the land of 10,000 diets (even while causing no Mars or Moonquakes!).

 After this.... I loved the flavor of powdered milk, it's great, it's like a sort of third dairy dish, not like milk or ice cream.... I started to binge a bit as usual, then added the grain to both powders, suddenly I'm in control, no meltdown, feel the burn, ahh!

 And this trick can save you even if you are near junk food. The trick is just about moderation of the flavor to just the right level. You might want to get a food processor which are just 20$ on Amazon. Blending and level control is the key.. 

"Note about food processors"

You might want to try a food grinder. I got the Ninja food processor for about 20$ on Amazon and it had a list of instructions like 30 things, that were like do or die if you don't.. And they were complex electrical instructions, I really would have to be a Ninja! So you may want to try a manually powered food processor. 

You can blend with water. Not because of its worthless or reduced value as a fiber fill, because it moderates the flavor. This is good for juices if you must eat them, like Juicy Juice it turns out they are mostly sugar and empty calories, powders from whole foods and etc. seem more worthwhile..

Too much flavor add more greens, too little add more like lo han.  (Lo han (according to Mercola) is a super sweetener that has no sugar and helps not harms dental health, and has no change in blood sugar.)

 Bob's Red mill Vanilla powder is sweetened with lo han and this is the best source I've found for lo han since liquid lo han is like ugh alcohol and not worth the money. I went through the usual 8 poisoned sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose to find it! Click here to see the product or see link below.

 Vitacost has the Vanilla powder for just 20$ and free second day shipping. I use Vitacost for many healthy powders, eg. Ezekiel sprouted bread is just 6$ and half the price of Ebay.

Lo han even seems to blend well with sugar to not damage your teeth, no more tooth pain, 97% have cavities, no more sugar sweetened breath rinse! Especially when you can blend it with say cherry and blueberry juice concentrates (these are much cheaper per ounce than juice jugs you see in the store.

 I can imagine them at the plant where they say, hey lets add water in the blend from the concentrates they've shipped in by boat, train or plain, and say "Let's call it more healthy and charge 10 times more the cost!")

 I buy the cherry and blueberry concentrates and blend them so they taste more than twice as good, then add my own water (I'm worth more since Visa can't buy all of what, that's what cash is about!).

 And then I add the lo han which makes it just as sweet yet it has reduced sugar damage. Experts say sugar is a slow poison and you slowly rust to bits like oxidation. Lo han has been researched for 20 years and so far no adverse events.

One thing about evolution, I believe we were constantly in oscillation between mild hunger and tiredness. If you aren't hungry you're tired from running to catch your lunch, and you have hunger you aren't yet tired. 

This may be why intermittent fasting (right! I jog and walk slow) has value, and the 80$ a week I spend on Vitacost leaves me without so much food like a day per week. Mark Twain said we all should have some discomfort each day so we don't think it's so unusual.. so I start to think of it as like in evolution. 

I tried Meritrim a while and lost about ten pounds to my surprise in about two months while I wasn't watching, this is how I found out something about mangosteen. 

Mangosteen the second weight loss herb in Meritrim like from Swanson vitamins online, is far cheaper than Meritrim however so I just use it sometimes when needed or wanted. (Even so the long term events using these herbs are not yet known. Minimum or no use may be best. This is not medical advice, you use this site at your own risk).

Meritrim works but it fizzels out after you lose about 15 pounds, this is not uncommon with herbs for health.

So  I' m researching how it might work out if I use the Meritrim at 1/7 the dose recommended on tbe bottle since it seems to work well and to minimize risk of any adverse events "on" for 8 months to lose 10 or 15 pounds and then " off" for 8 more months so it might "recharge".

Click Here 
or see link at the end of post for more.

What is Meritrim?

A simple formula that research with more than 10,000 herbs resolved for both safety and comfort and that they really do work and the research found just two herbs were needed. Mangosteen and a herb from India, spaeranthus indicus, known also as Indian thistle.

The beauty of Meritrim is it makes you keep your weight the same in times like right after you eat out yet it also burns off a pound each week, week after week when food is less abundant.

Another advantage is the fitness boost of mangosteen, it's a nonedgy fitness booster so you feel more like exercising and this is recommended by the Meritrim biz.

And they recommend combining "Meritrim" with green tea and or decaf coffee for more powerful results and feel good energy all the month of slimmertime..

 I've lost 30 pounds with exercise walking as they say for real winners here about weight loss, all of them walked an hour a day. Most diet winners used different methods yet they all had walking in common..

The winners in R and D also kept a record of their weight, this makes it so you don't gain it back or lose it too fast, (or you won't win the bet) and this is a celebration if you are actually losing a few pounds a month, you feel more control by flavor modulation..

And the good nutrition of those healthy powders is essential since you will then be in the "second level of the diet".

 Relatives and others will soon start to hit you with the classic malnourishment claim; you're just so pitiful since you lost the 5 pounds, right.

 You may want to keep your receipts to show the doubters that you are indeed eating right like from Vitacost, I had to and I had the receipts on hand for good luck!

 As Reader's Digest says without food in chew! If you put your best shoe in the box, you have to make sure your other one is strong enough to stand on. And this is why exercise and nutrition is also of value, and so you won't lose muscle density.

They were devising a stop smoking product based on good nutrition, and so many people lost weight they started to huff and puff around the fatbust machine! Apparently most people who took the product were malnourished in general and the nutrition boost helped their body's metabolism so they lost more weight not less.

 Right, being overweight helps you lose weight! Chocolate has both fat and caffeine, so the caffeine burns off the fat, I shure hope I break even at the races, I could use more gold and a resort lodge in Ohio!

So you need healthy nutrition when you lose weight. Like me you want to be a bit underfed yet over nourished like by the powders and other healthy foods, not overfed and undernourished as most are these days.

This is essential while you lose weight as by the healthy powders and flavor modulation method since nutrition helps burn more calories, and is needed for health and strength while you're on this "nondiet".

You may have heard about size of serving reduction of each serving when you eat to lose weight. Yet how can I remember this, right.  Flavor control is like I've put a powerful message in my food, a timer that says, "Consider Moderation", or "no amount of flavor feels as good as not being fat feels!" 

Size reduction is far easier to remember by Flavor Moderation FM. Nobody answers when fat calls my name! At the least you'll reduce binges by flavor control..


In research 3 out of 4 who go in the store feel good yet only 1 in 3 return out with the good feeling. I believe this like noise may have influence on diet success.

  Being with strangers or perhaps the noise in stores may cause harm (as with dogs and cats, more research has found the farther in the city they live, the more overweight they tend to be, so you may want a shield for store influence if the noise may have influence you may want to moderate)

 So I've devised methods of counteracting this with good earplugs to reduce speech you might otherwise find in stores that you may want to moderate. 

My method is better than NRR 36, the best around, and far cheaper than expensive AN antinoise that doesn't even work for speech attenuation.

 I found that using special earplugs I got from goodwill coats combined with paraffin candle wax is of real value here. 

Even so as I say on this link (or see the link below) this isn't recommended for health reasons about the candle paraffin, instead I use a more advanced method, including a method to "listen through" using a special jamming method so you can listen just when and as you want to be more shielded from the influence of store events if you want. This and its reduction of noise may help your diet as you want. I'm not as interested in listening to what people say during the time I'm losing weight, at other times sure.. Even so I'm only willing to bet what I believe is worth it.

I've only lost 10 pounds a year since I read the R and D about the 95% failure rate for most diets. The slower you lose it the more likely you can keep it off.

 But the flavor control method works so well I have confidence about it more, it makes it so I can control the 1 pound I lose a month real well as I have.

 I don't believe all the sites that say they lost 100 in a month, 1000 what I'm a 100, 000 in air! If you see these sites in months, I would have no doubt they have won more, like 85% of the time If you lose 30 pounds in weeks like on other sites, you'll damage your body, and worse, chances are you'll gain it back..

 One fourth of dieters go on to pathological dieting, and flavor control may be a solution. I looked at the odds and my own experience and decided to just wait for science and then I lost some with Meritrim so I was encouraged and more by flavor blending. It's like a long term event. 

And if the flavor itself is sold like say salt in the jug, disperse the salt before you use it as salt water, it  also gives real control...


As I say Flavor Blending has value as a powerful way not to binge. And it also helps a lot if you limit your money as I say on the link.. Flavor blending also has powerful value for limiting the crash if you are at the end of the week and you food supply is reduced as you may want! 

This is because flavor Control not only limits binging, Flavor Awareness also helps greatly by making you satisfied enough to not feel stressed when your food is reduced a bit to more basic, (you guessed it!) more healthy food.

 This is when I often eat the most healthy food, it's good for us, why not! Flavor Awareness at the end of the week, not no Flavor as on lots of diets, Lower Flavor Moderation is powerful to limit the temptation to crash the diet because at the end of the week it's not such a burden to eat as you have.

 I find when I would reduce my flavor to eat more "heathy" food before and even by Setting the Limit I would gain it back even in one week. By the Flavor Limit and Setting The Limit, I almost never overeat once.


I would read complex diet books that used recipe after recipe, and like me you may have intuitively been unimpressed. Often there are treats in the recipe (Wow, a sure winner!). Of all that healthy stuff they eat, the one common element seems the reduction of flavor in moderation. 

And this is much simpler than cooking and learning all the complex methods. Flavor control is much simpler to learn and healthier than lots of salt sugar, fat......and it may even work for junk food...

To me this seems like what some say, never eat soluble fiber on an empty stomach, never walk across state lines while you read audio volumes at dawn in rewind.. And to this I add  another saying for life (at any rate for weight loss);

 Never ever add too much or too little flavor, "always have lo han or other flavor and moderating foods in reach", I plan on buying flavor blendors with each visit. 

 I've learned to look at my diet in light of what can be blended when I buy like powders or juices at the store, life for me is not about comfort, health is about is life..

I tend to buy only foods that can be easily blended till I get a food grinder, like powders, and some juices, even if the juices aren't totally healthy and I'm adding in the concentrates, like blueberry, cherry and pomegranate from Vitacost online for better cost and health. Otherwise non powder or other foods tend to not have the ease and diet control power of blended Flavor Modulation. 

This is Part 1 of my weight Loss Method. The second level is in the general area of spending all my money that week and then finding the level where I have only the healthy food I need no more no less, by a bit of zeroing in. This Money and Food number I then cut back by 10% or so per week. An Artificial Limit, to counteract the Artificial Surplus.. Also on the link I'll show you how to use the average to control the level, and best of all once you lose the weight by Flavor Control and The Money Limit, you can keep it off merely by using the same Money Food limit indefinitely!

For More (About How To  Set Artificial Money/Food Limits To Counteract the Artificial Food Surplus Most Have in The Developed World)  CLICK HERE..

How to Combine These Methods to Lose Weight with "Recharging" Meritrim or Other Weight Control Method Click Here


Walking for an hour and 20 minutes burns off a pound, while walking for an hour removes just an oz? Prevention Magazine Sez So..

Once I found this method I'm on the signal and connected to just doing reps of this like 2 x a week over and over combined with the other methods (timing out the scale with a timer padlock and covering over my mirrors and more.. I think of weight loss as a delicate mechanism and so these methods are not like trying to lose it all by brute force like 30 lb in a month because it damages "the mechanism". I would say indeed that pathological dieting is where the mechanism of moderation is being more constantly out of balance. By finding ways to reduce all the hype the balance is restored lots of people may then be zeroing in on more linear looks. I just ignore all the rest of the hype.. I've already lost 40 lbs by combining all seven of these methods and I believe I'll be able to use all the rest in a year..

... about using the walking method the the walkers were right all along, and I plan to stay with no more than an hour and 20 two or three times a week because it hasn't yet been established if more than this is any better to not damage "the mechanism.."
Here's The Link to One of My Posts about what I think the best method of making use of these super zooms of  Promotions of Prevention, might be;

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